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>> No.9953486 [View]
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Today's technology is a mess. 200+ years of switching paradigms, building up infrastructure for one approach and then having to adapt the new tech to it, created a situation where:
>cameras have to abide by standards of color reproduction and framerates set half a century ago
>phones have to support outdated and unused bands and frequencies just to pass certification
>there's undocumented legacy code liying inside all of the major operating systems
>programming itself includes at least 5 tiers of obfuscation, no single person can see the whole picture of what's going on with soft-, firm- and hardware
>separate interfaces for everything
>the energy grids in all developed countries could only be updated to the modern theoretical perfection after being completely destroyed first
>99% of the energy in the grid is still produced by steam turbines
>transportation is inefficient due to conflicting standards and technologies spanning at least a century
>the roads and railroads are a fuckery on a global scale
>patents everywhere
>global banking system is actually a fuckload of different providers and new ones pop up every now and then.

Now, anon. The Great Solar Flare will certainly come in a few decades and fry all this shit with EMIs and Eddy currents, good riddance. A few more decades of a dark, messy post-apocalypse await us afterwards. But the printed books and theoretical knowledge won't go anywhere. We can rebuild, even if there'll be only 1/10th or even 1/100th of the 8 billion humans left alive after all that happens in the meanwhile.
The question is - which shit-tier trap intermediary technologies should we skip on the path to the Second Information Age? Will it even help the future engineers, designers and manufacturers?
I personally would like to nominate steam power in all of it's forms to the list of what has to die together with the modernity. ICE should get the TechnoRenaissance started on a small scale, and RTG+Solar combination should become the mainstay.

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