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>> No.5157280 [View]
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>confusing the greek word for knowledge with the religion of Gnosticism

shiggedy diggety

>> No.5143619 [DELETED]  [View]
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actually, me calling another poster a retard kinda IS shitposting, even if they are an agnostitard

>> No.4959409 [View]
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kinda the same thing?
the point is, we aint 'sure' we aint 'gnostic'
so we still count as agnostic atheists

>> No.4283522 [View]
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>> No.4225172 [View]
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wll hurr durr, captain obvious.
absense of evidence still means it's logical to be sceptical.

agnostic atheism FTW.

>> No.4195433 [DELETED]  [View]
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everyones heard of religion, atheists(/agnostics) still dont believe in it.
and atheists dont have to make a statement either, most of them hear about religion, wuietly think (lol, thats dumb) say nothing, and just get on with their lives. they're still atheists.
not all atheists are the loudmouthed faggots that get all up in your face: 'HURRRRR! RELIGION IS FOR FUCKING RETARDS!!'
most of us just quietly reject religion
the same as you 'agnostics'

we're agnostic as well, we dont know god definitely isnt real, its just extremely unlikely.
if any evidence is ever shown to us, we'll change our minds

>> No.3863239 [View]
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we've already been over this dozens of times, agnosticism isnt a stance of belief, it just means you don't know for sure.

agnostic-atheist master race reporting in.

>> No.3808039 [View]
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>> No.3795601 [View]
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and yeah, there really is no middle ground.

>> No.3700935 [View]
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Saying you're agnostic give me zero information about a persons stance.

You might as well walk up to everyone and tell them "I do not have in my possession the information necessary to answer this question (x)"

Unless the information exists, then well no shit.
As it is now, all theists are agnostics and they're just in denial until evidence is produced.

>> No.3666188 [View]
File: 476 KB, 1275x3601, agnostic 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this, OP.

>> No.3637126 [View]
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that image isn't a troll, its correct.
i'm an agnostic atheist. you can be both. here, have another picture and some copypasta.

“If you claim to be "agnostic" towards FSM, then you're either lying or your definition of "agnostic" is so broad as to be meaningless, and everyone is agnostic about everything. We all know that none of us believe in FSM. We all know that none of us think of it as deity that "might exist." We think of it as something that was made up to make fun of the privileged status of Christianity, because that's what it is. We know this. Not in the sense of absolute metaphysical certainty (that we don't have about anything), but in the everyday sort of knowledge, comparable to knowing that if you toss a rock in the air it will accelerate downwards, or that the sun will rise tomorrow. If someone asks you if those things will happen, you just say "yes" and don't think about it, because nobody can be a pedantic twat 24 hours a day.”

>> No.3402604 [View]
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Its been posted here lots of times, i dunno who made it. i have several more.
they all say pretty much the same thing

i'm an agnostic atheist, i dont believe in god, but i do not know for certain that he is fictional, but based on all likelyhood, i come to that conclusion.

>> No.3375917 [View]
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>> No.3344785 [View]
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theres nothing wrong with it, the problem we have is hat self identified agnostics often dont understand what it means, and think they are some sort of seperate group between atheists and theists, when really they are atheists themselves but just dont properly realise what the words mean.

>> No.3326798 [View]
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that isn't what atheists do

>> No.3310904 [View]
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>> No.3184066 [View]
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>> No.3161815 [View]
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