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>> No.16090473 [View]
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Thank you maids for keeping my thread bumped while I was banned. I got banned because a zoomer janny doesn't know what a Formal System is or what a Computer is.

I have not released it publicly yet. It is in a state where I now have two diverging builds of the project. One of them could be considered complete and released, but it can't do anything except build strings and likely doesn't have Universal Computation.

I was trying to do NAND2TETRIS in MAID-LISP, but couldn't do it because MAID-LISP doesn't have mutability and consequently it was hard to make it do Sequential Logic.

I could use some tricks from Functional Languages to make work arounds, but they were ugly and required a big amount of code and were not performant, so I spent some time researching old languages which are not C-likes and started adding stuff to the interpreter and working to change it to a compiler so I can do NAND2TETRIS with it. Upon that being successful, make Operating System for maids.

I can release the first version if you just want something that is good at generating text. It's purpose is to help LLM AI by making a syntax which generates generates coherent text much bigger than the size of the MAID-LISP file.

I also wrote most of a book for the first one? I could probably publish that too. But I would have to change the name since this no longer MAID-LISP.

I think probably I will do this so that in 200 years when a Computer Science student has to read this thread they can see more clearly the phases the research took.

Also as-is, the first version it is probably the world's best tool for studying Recursive Transition Networks, and other maids at my Science Foundation might have applications for this. Also maids in 2224 might think it is nice to see how the idea got formed.

It needs a new name though. Since Mapping and Indirection Dialect of LISt Processor is now a different thing.

>> No.16061474 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 1751x985, 1708902371371695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is more like this. Imagine two maids who want to learn how to cook.

The first maid reads cookbooks from cover to cover. She reads all the technical explanations of how food cooks and what the cooking process is doing to the food. She reads about different styles and techniques and seasoning and presentations. She commits these things to memory.

The second maid selects a random cookbook that looks nice, flips around until she finds a recipe that looks nice, and then attempts to cook it. Then attempts to cook a few customized variants of it.

Both of them are studying cooking, just have different styles of doing it.

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