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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16606630 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, NoSleepTeam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solved insomnia
Maybe your notion of "solved" is too narrow.
How about you use the extra time god gave you to be productive.

>> No.10798100 [View]
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>> No.10708012 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 1558174026666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you manage the stress from staring at hieroglyphics all day? Just opening a .pdf makes me nervous. Also, my eyeballs are hurting.

>> No.10653778 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, math.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend at least as much time on math as Twitch streamers do on video games.

>> No.10454022 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 20110514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a shitton of exercises. Paul Halmos also wrote the following in one of his books:
>The right way to read mathematics is first to read the definitions of the concepts and the statements of the theorems, and then, putting the book aside, to try to discover the appropriate proofs. If the theorems are not trivial, the attempt might fail, but it is likely to be instructive just the same. To the passive reader a routine computation and a miracle of ingenuity come with equal ease, and later, when he must depend on himself, he will find that they went just as easily as they came. The active reader, who has found out what does not work, is in a much better position to understand the reason for the success of the author's method, and, later, to find answers that are not in books.

>> No.10345053 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, n67vS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10160939 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 20110514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it you in the last panel?

>> No.10094173 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is that no matter how productive you are you can become more productive with stimulants. If you're not willing to take that step due to your own hangups then you don't actually care about the research and won't continue onto grad studies anyways. I didn't need amphetamines to do my degrees, in fact I did the majority of them without amphetamines. However I'm really passionate about the research and if amphetamines can make me better then why wouldn't I take them.

>Erdos was a meme and a number "theorist" and "combinatorist," i.e. not real math
This is how I can tell you didn't study pure math.

>> No.10060356 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So physicsts are very good at explaining concepts.
Because physics concepts are babby tier with physical analogues and physicists don't really have anything better to do anyways.

>No brainlet has ever asked about monoids or Teichmüller theory or whatever the fuck because brainlets frankly don't care.
We do get those questions all the time and they do come from people who frankly don't care. Just like OP asking about the Langlands program. They don't actually are about the research. They just want to feel smart when they very obviously don't deserve to.

>> No.10021586 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A box of amphetamines.

>> No.9974999 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, maths.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lab work and even less socialization required. People say there aren't any jobs for it, but getting a degree in math puts you on the path to learning universal truths. Who the fuck needs to work when you can do math on your own?

>> No.9967169 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, n67vS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9893156 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible the dosage was high. So while it felt amazing and you got a ton of work done your tolerance will build up and it won't be as effective (it will still kick the shit out of caffeine but it won't be like you're godsighted). That isn't really a bad thing since you aren't supposed to be taking massive doses anyways (it's abuse and extremely addictive).

>So how the fuck is this shit fair?
The questions you should be asking are
>Where would you be if you took it sooner?
>Where would humanity be if this was more mainstream?
>Does it make sense to complain about fairness when you're doing groundbreaking research and pushing mankind forward?
>Taking into account that Erdos was a prolific mathematician who famously used amphetamines to boost his productivity, do you think he hurt or benefited mathematicians in the community?
>Were any of those low Erdos number mathematicians upset that Erdos was unfairly making breakthrough after breakthrough or were they appreciative of his output and the opportunity to work with him?

Fairness isn't all that white and black when it comes to research.

>I've also been meaning to try and use it for non-academic shit..
Stimulants have mixed results depending on dosage, personality, and what you have going on in your life. Typically using them with the things you're suggesting works out great but in some cases it can backfire.
As an example, some people will take the meds and expect to get to work once they kick in. Instead once they kick in they get locked into (especially on a high dosage) fucking around or whatever they're doing. So, instead of spending all day studying you may end up spending all day
>arguing on 4chan
>watching porn
>playing a video game from start to finish


>> No.9517042 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, math.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, there's no shame in it.

>> No.9371626 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 1449369897202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have something called "transferleistung" in Germany. Basically i there are one or two questions on the exam that have not been covered in a similar way in exercises and don't have a straightforward solution. If you want an A you are expected to know the subject well enough to solve these kind of questions within the time.

>> No.9196274 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get help
>ADD so strong it keeps me from getting my shit together enough to get help

What sort of exercise and diet do you do? I have a bunch of huge whiteboards on my walls (got them for free from some school that was remodeling but you can get some nice ones for cheap at habitat for humanity). Those are super helpful. I also tried using the wunderlist app for a while but didn't really catch on with me.

I feel the same way though. Without stims my life is total chaos.

It's not really meant for inducing hyperfocus. Rather it's meant for treating all the other symptoms that seriously fuck with ADD/ADHD people's lives. This includes:
>Piles and piles of unfinished hobbies/projects/etc.. sometimes hundreds/thousands of browser tabs & bookmarks.
>Spacing out in the middle of conversations/lectures/meetings/etc.. (still responding in conversation but stuff goes in one ear and out the other) in some cases even during movies/tv shows/driving/etc..., happens often and without the person noticing till it's too late.
>Chronic lateness (to everything, no matter how important it is).
>Disorganized everything
>sleep schedule issues
>Also stuff like thrill-seeking behavior (makes people feel engaged). eg. speeding while driving, but also criminal stuff is common.

I used to do that shit while not on stims. It worked until I got massive burnout. Best of luck to you, anon.

pic related

Alcohol/partying can help people vent off emotions and help motivation. It shouldn't be mixed with stims though since it lowers your seizure threshold and can make it easier to hit alcohol poisoning without noticing.

>> No.8899001 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 1488594585909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys I'm a HS sophomore taking abstract algebra at a local uni
Well lucky you
Now get out

>> No.8720241 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 20110514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else /literal brainlet/ here and still trying to cope? Or who else almost literally feels handicapped with their academic pursuits?

> Can't do basic math or grasp/remember basic concepts after 8pm
> Can't do basic math or grasp basic concepts period if I haven't had 7+ hours of sleep
> Work at half speed unless I've had copius amounts of caffiene
> Will stare at a the page and ink of a problem for like a half hour without being able to form a coherent thought if I'm the slightest bit tired.
> near-permanent brain fog

Actually really love caffiene pills for this. 200mg delivered faster than coffee ever could; actually makes me feel like I can work like a normal human being for an hour or two.

Admittedly, its forced me to start learning some healthier habits - forcing myself to get up earlier, get to bed earlier, have a regular sleep schedule, its forced me to keep my studying and working to a "human" schedule, typically getting to campus by 8AM and leaving by 8PM, and never really working while I'm home. But its frustrating to feel like even a single late night can set me back all week, or like I can completely bomb an exam on material I knew because I didn't have a chance to get coffee before it and didn't have caffiene pills or something. I know a lot of people are going to claim that I've just made myself dependent, but I've gone months without coffee or caffiene of any kind and its been the same either way, exept just slow all the fucking time instead.

I'd like to hear about the other brainlets that struggle on /sci/.

>> No.8156278 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 1465480827320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/his/ has far better memes

we should really apply ourselves

>> No.8133024 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-mathfag detected

>> No.7953197 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, MathArtScience.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some open ended problems / unsolved theorems in mathematics? Also, general PURE math thread.

>> No.7704994 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, 1449369897202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping the thread alive hopefully

>> No.7702352 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, mathematician sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure math
Culture? I guess pretty much all interactions are about math.

>> No.6845898 [View]
File: 95 KB, 540x1129, eacf5518-e20c-457b-86e4-9a8240e2f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will most likely die op

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