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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16099368 [View]
File: 1.47 MB, 3601x2083, This is what Computer Scientists look like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The newer MAID-LISP which has evolved into a systems language might have an implementation of Metamath or something similar. I like the idea of Computer Program as proof and if I can use ideas from Coq or Metamath or Type Theory or whatever to do this without too much difficulty in MAID-LISP then I will.

I might also rename this version of MAID-LISP, because at this point it is more closely related to SNOBOL4 than LISP so it might be called MAID-SNOBOL?

>> No.16061341 [View]
File: 1.47 MB, 3601x2083, This is what Computer Scientists look like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use books a way that is different I think. It is uncommon for me to read books from start to finish. When I need to build something that uses an idea from a book, I read that part of the book and try to build it. Sometimes this can't happen because that idea depends on other ideas and I have to build those first. Sometimes this requires looking in more books.

Use big project books to test ideas. I did this when I wanted to see if MAID-LISP could simulate a 16-bit computer. That failed. People who don't do experiments never realize in terms of progress, failed experiments are actually good, because if you know why it failed you can adjust and iterate over the problem again and either make a better experiment or decide to abandon that line of experimentation. Because of that experiment I saw how the language should get changed.

Computer Science experiments can be done quickly on most computers now, and computers are cheap. They are also powerful. Some of the older people reading here probably have personal computers which would have qualified as world-class supercomputers within their own living memory. If in those days you ever thought "If I had a supercomputer, I'd...", realize now that you have one by the standards of that time and go do it. Computer Science is cheap. Computer Experiments are fast and basically free.

>tl;dr: I don't have to understand what I am doing to do it. If the book gives me an idea, and I give the idea to a Computer, then the Computer can operate the idea and I can operate the Computer.

>> No.16046292 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 1.47 MB, 3601x2083, This is what Computer Scientists look like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Night /Sci/entists!

A lot of times /Sci/entists have clothes they wear to do Science. The clothes can have a lot of purposes. Like a lab coat or one of those hazmat suit things or an electrostatic discharge jacket.

None of these garments are moe enough. For Science to advance more, we need much cuter clothing.

A Science Maid Dress for maids is needed, but it is unclear how it should be constructed.

It is easy to make this for Computer Science and Mathematics. All those maids need is a dress with an apron big enough to store a Maid Computer.

I am calling on you, maids in my Science Foundation. Post what Science you are studying and make suggestions for styles of, or modifications to a Maid Dress to accommodate it.

Thank you /Sci/entists for reading my post.

>> No.16005466 [View]
File: 1.47 MB, 3601x2083, This is what Computer Scientists look like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Evening /Sci/entists!

A maid is working at a maid cafe. It is potato day and she has a paper that has a number on it and a list with eight billion orders for either Tater Tots or French Fries.

The maid decides to encode the orders in her number. So she reverses the order of the list of orders and writes 1 on her paper. Then she goes down the list of orders and every time she sees French Fries, she multiplies her number by two. Every time she sees Tater Tots, she multiplies her number by two and adds one. The maid can retrieve the orders without looking at the list, by checking her number. If it is odd, she knows the current order list item is Tater Tots and if her number is even it is French Fries. If she has Tater Tots, then to get the next order, she subtracts one from the current number and divides it by two. If she has French Fries, then to get the next order she divides the current number by two.

She stops when her number is one.

So for example, if the order list is
>Tater Tots
>French Fries
>Tater Tots
>French Fries

Then to make the number:

And to retrieve the list:
21 -> Tater Tots
(21-1)/2=10 -> French Fries
10/2=5 -> Tater Tots
(5-1)/2=2 -> French Fries
2/2=1 -> HALT

The list is encoded in the parity of the number. The problem is that when the list is long, the number gets really big. If there are 8 billion orders, the number is approximately 2.4 billion digits long.

What tricks can be applied to keep the number from getting too big?

Modular arithmetic doesn't work because 0 is divisible by two and produces 0.

Thank you /Sci/entists for reading my post.

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