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>> No.11102307 [View]
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>Evidence from a speed-dating study.

Yeah. I'll just immediately throw this in the trash. Next you're going to show dating website results as arguements as well.

Please realize the vast majority of humanity will never do anything like use dating apps or speed dating and that's a very specific demographic with a low number of participants.

I work with a lot of women and am not conventionally attractive but usually after women get to know me personally they start to become romantically interested in me this is how I know all those incels are just sheltered faggots that never spoke to more than 10 unrelated women one-on-one in their lives.

Think about your (male) friendships. You've probably talked with thousands of guys throughout your life yet only a handful to a couple dozen became personal friends of you. This is a similar success rate as finding a good mate. You need to know and speak to thousands of women one-on-one to find a handful to a couple dozen good life partners.

You will never understand this though because you haven't left your room for social reasons since becoming a teenager and you have barely any idea to how women actually are in person instead of in your made up strawmen of women.

>> No.11090528 [View]
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I can't believe people actually believe this shit. It was usually due to resentment of the success of Jewish people (like BLM groups against whites) or because populist leaders needed an easy scapegoat to rally their population against (us vs them) style. Another common thing was that leaders would take on a loan from Jewish merchants or bankers and decided that killing and/or expelling the Jews was cheaper than paying them back.

No matter in which society Jews lived they always ended up as the top performers.
>Jews were at the top of the Egyptian Empire where they started as slaves.
>Jews ended up on top of the Roman Empire.
>Jews ended up on top in the Persian civilization.
>Jews ended up on top in the republican courts of Venice.
>Jews ended up on top in the Netherlands during the Dutch golden age
>Jews ended up on top in france after the French revolution
>Jews ended up on top in the Prussian court
>Jews ended up on top in Victorian England
>Jews ended up on top in the German Confederacy
>Jews ended up on top in the German Empire
>Jews ended up on top in Tsarist Russia
>Jews ended up on top in the Soviet Union
>Jews ended up on top in the USA
>Jews ended up on top in Israel and by extension the middle-east
>Jews ended up on top in the EU

Jews will also end up on top in every future society as long as they have the highest IQ out of all demographics. It's unavoidable and inevitable that the smartest people end up on the top of a society. It has nothing to do with a conspiracy. It's just how competition works, the most capable ends up on top. In our world that are the Jews.

>> No.10601411 [View]
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The infrared radiation emitted by your own body is millions of times more powerful than the radiation emitted by 5G.

Also 5G should in theory be "less harmful" than 4G even by the logic of people that think infrared radiation is harmful because the entire point of 5G is to use less radiation to send the same amount of data than 4G which saves a lot of energy and makes it possible to service more phones in the same area.

So you can answer this in two ways
>Answer for normal people
Infrared radiation can't harm your body since it's too weak to even affect atoms let along change anything about your body, otherwise you'd be completely to shreds simply by infrared your own body generates which is millions of times more intense than artificial radiation
>Answer for Schizophrenics
5G is less harmful than 4G because it emits less radiation. Unless you're even more schizophrenic paranoid than I thought and you think the absence of radiation is also harmful so 5G has periods of radiation and absence of radiation that "oscillates" at such a frequency as to harm you.

For your information I completely made that last sentence up so please don't take it seriously, schizos.

>> No.10381101 [View]
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Let me explain. Once a population stop having a lot of children the average age of the population will rise because fewer children. Once the average age goes up it means more people will reach retirement age and can't biologically have children anymore as well as needing to be taken care of either by children or by the government/taxpayer in some form. What this means is that the taxpayer and/or children will have fewer resources for themselves to have children. And thus they can't have children because they can't afford to have children because they need to take care of the elderly. This in turn makes the population shrink even more which means the next generation will have even LESS resources and have even fewer children to take care of the elderly. This cycle will continue until the species goes extinct or people straight up genocide the elderly (not going to happen). The other solution is to have as much kids as possible before it gets too late but most people aren't smart and have outdated 1990s overpopulation data still ingrained in their heads.

>> No.10291662 [View]
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What I said is actually consensus right now. Please don't call people out without knowing what you are talking about.


>> No.10251876 [View]
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>However, a life-supporting planet is almost guaranteed to have a much lower gravity than Earth, as Earth is unusally large and dense.
The opposite is true, most exoplanets we've found in the goldilocks zone have been megaearths being more massive than the Earth. In fact most astronomers consider the Solar system unique due to having so many unusually small planets like the Earth.

I agree that most civilizations will be stuck on their homeplanet due to it being technologically impossible for them to engineer their escape from the planet's gravity.

I'd say species on lower gravity planets will have weaker atmospheres and therefor life might be impossible to reach advanced stages on planets like Mars where the atmosphere will get stripped easily due to the lower gravity and faster cooling of the core due to its smaller size removing its magnetic field.

All in all the Earth is pretty unique where it is most likely at the "goldilock size" where it's big enough to have a slowly cooling core and gravity high enough to maintain an atmosphere but still small enough to allow civilizations to escape its gravitational pull.

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