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Why are Ashkenazi Jews so over-represented in highly intellectual fields?

This isn't pro or anti-semite stance, I came across to some facts that really triggered my curiosity, intelligence is a huge thing in academia obviously.
I really hope this isn't viewed as racist or anything like that.
Some facts really scream for attention and needs to be examined rationally.
Been reading for several weeks about it and have come to some conclusions and I want to hear other objective reasonable explanations for this.

Few of the facts include:
50% of world chess champions are Jewish, they just represent 0.2% of the world population, this alone is statistically significant, but isn't sufficient to conclude anything standalone.
Of course it doesn't stop there.
Since the 1950's 30% of nobel prizes went to Jewish people, again, they comprise 0.2% of world population, if you exclude non-scientific nobel prizes that number goes up.
They hold 1/5 of Fields Medal Awards.

Since I want to keep it strictly intellectual I wont go to other facts, like how overrepresented they are in top positions of Film industry, Politics, Economic, Law, Medicine, etc.
At first one obviously thinks they have a culture for learning but the more you dig and compare numbers and analyze further you see it has less and less significance.

Especially if you consider in Israel, having the same culture, tradition, everyday life, education etc etc, the Sephardic jews and Ashkenazi Jews have an impotant gap.

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