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>> No.10537667 [View]
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I think it says alot about you that you have to make some stupid revenge fantasy that debunks you. It really shows that inability to abstract thinking. Do you think WE race realists are gonna change our minds because of a potential negative implications of the truth? Are you fucking retarded?

Finally, for someone who is obsessed with debunking Lynn data because he thinks that makes him "win" (which is meaningless the black-white IQ gap stands without Lynn, that comes from thousands of IQ studies). You think you would learn this important fact, that one study is meaningless, and the idea that "liberals" are more intelligent then conservatives is wrong, and you posting one study is meaningless, especially since you are basing it off the little abstract you are reading, and not the actual data. Do you know, just how much fucking race realists/IQ differences between populations papers I could post on this board? Many things, some looking at racial differences in video game playing. No joke. But I don't, because most are just one study not saying much.

If conservatives are less intelligent then liberals, then how come National Socialists who had to stand in trail for the Nuremberg trail, had higher then average IQ compared to Germans. Some reaching genius level. I'll tell you why, because the truth is that its not a simple "liberal" vs "conservative" thing, in that case, in the French Revolution,, who had the highest IQ, the rich elite monarchist (conservatives) or the peasant revolutionaries (Liberal)? Yeah, doesn't work. What correlation there is between political views and cognition is that acceptance of novel political ideas are correlated with intelligence. Which makes sense, people who go outside the norm of your typical political, Nazism, Fascism, Anarchocapitalist, communists, they all seem to be brighter then the average person, especially the ones who actually read the basis of such movements.

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