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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4696240 [View]
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You really think you will get into a Phd math program? With just some shitty engineering undergrad degree?


>> No.4601558 [View]
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>he still hears our prayers no matter under what name we call him

Wow! How fucking retarded are you?

How the fuck do you go from "god" might exist, to it "must be a good god who listens to prayers". YOU ARE FUCKING GRASPING FOR STRAWS KID!

You are trying to get this "God" to conform to your shitty preconcieved notions of a "God", why? How the fuck do you justify this? You are just basically just making shit up now!

>> No.4499252 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, 1269784723757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck?
All you do is literally plug z into the right side of the equation.

WTF is wrong with you?

>> No.4399894 [View]
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>reads tons of pop-science books

No actual scientists read that bullshit. No physics major read that bullshit either.

>> No.4374204 [View]
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This is animal cruelty. If the proper authorities find out, you could be fined or even arrested.

Stop your fucking shit.

>> No.4360403 [View]
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>guy wants to help the sick
>call him insane

You are doing christanity wrong

>> No.3971135 [View]
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I have read your posts, but I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. When did we say its a cult? It is the basis of all knowledge we have as humans. What annoys me is when relgion fags think they can just 'turn science off' when it suits them, or when they don't like the answers science gives.

>> No.3780934 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, what the fuck is this?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of God...

>> No.3290443 [View]
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My stupid moronic brain cleared out my history after some porn and now I need the name of that paper-reviewing site. Instantstudent or something? I can't remember.

>> No.3120352 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, 1305802091946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't difficult guys, the fact is that it is very probable that there is life out there. However this probability tends towards 100% as a hypothetical universe gets bigger and bigger. As a result, the probability is quite high, simply because our universe is very large.

Other people have said this, and been ignored because of 'HUUR DURR 100% life' and HURR DURR OCKHAMS RAZOR AND NO EVIDENCE IS NON-EVIDENCE'

pic related

>> No.2915216 [View]
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>> No.2886191 [View]
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Can someone explain me this theory?

>> No.2508027 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, IcantBelieveThisShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural selection works NATURALLY. It took 4 billion years to make all the life we see. Impressive, yes. Perfect, not so much. There are inherent design flaws in our anatomy and physiology but they aren't bad enough to make survival impossible. So in actuality, natural selection isn't good. It's just good enough.

>> No.2402859 [View]
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So i recently received this question from my mathematics teacher "An open cylindrical can is to have a given volume. Find the dimensions of the can if the least amount of material is to be used in making the can" HOW THE HELL IS THAT OPTIMIZED?

>> No.2347433 [View]
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>I place $20 in a box.


>By the box for $30.


>Open my box


>I count my losses and gains

-20 - 30 + 40 = -10

I have lost $10
LOST $10

So, this is the kinda shitty thinking that has led to the economic crises, ehh? FUCKIN SAD. I always new business major were fuckin stupid, but this shit is ridiclous

>> No.2304592 [View]
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>> No.2240938 [View]
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can you timecube??

>> No.2235191 [View]
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Hi /sci/ I dont want to post this on /adv/ because I know /sci/ will give me a more rationnal answer. I think Im going mentaly crazy.

It was started 3 years ago when I used to smoke weed and I use to take this medicine for acne. It called accutane. I remember one day I smoked and the day after I felt like I was disconnected from the reality. For exemple: I was looking at a woman at the TV and I was completly scared by the question that she was simply a buch of atom. I was fucking depress and fucking scared at the same time.

This appen to me sometimes, I just go nuts and do panic attack about that kind of stuff. That sound totaly stupid and crazy. I dont wanna see a fucking psychologyst to tell him that. I dont think he will understand. What the fuck do I have in my head. Schizophrenia? Wtf

>> No.2213147 [View]
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OHH, seriously just GTFO. The act of observation is the act of "interaction" you fucking retard, it is still physical.

You are just full of shit. You are stating mindless "new age" dribble and trying to pass it off as "science". You dont produce any actual scientifc journals, just mindless nonsense.
I don't have time to waste on retards like you. Good day troll

>> No.2145915 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a math thread
>excited to discuss math
>see this:
>expecting quick rebuttal
>instead, massive faggotry ensues

i'm not going to tell you the answer because you all suck

>> No.2009249 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, i can't believe this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, some family members were recently discussing politics and one of them started babbling about how liberals have manipulated blacks so that the blacks stay poor, attached to welfare, and support the liberals. Anyone know what he was talking about and whether or not there's truth to it?

>> No.1995395 [View]
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>stupidfag here

Thats an understatement bro. So you are old enough to drive, but dont know how to use basic algebra?


>> No.1962475 [View]
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>mfw you can't long divide a polynomial

>> No.1875339 [View]
File: 20 KB, 471x480, 1268690947254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see /sci/'s reaction to this fictional situation.

Lets pretend aliens and life elsewhere are real -- just hidden.

Lets also pretend that they've layed all foundations for civilizations while playing as our God(s) for thousands of years.

Now think that everything you've learned in school is all jumble fuck of fake information or heavily censored and edited. In exception to science because gravity doesn't lie.

How would this make you feel? Would you feel like your whole life was a lie? Would you rage? What would you do next?

inb4 some ultra srs bizniss anon who rages at this thread

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