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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11445366 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 385 KB, 2000x1900, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_chikuwa_tikuwaumai__3ef3ff02c391e5d1d143603ed06b5f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The identity (actually, the matrix with the identity in the first entry) should have non-trivial class in [math]B( \mathbb{H} )/J[/math] when [math] \mathbb{H} [/math] is separable and has infinite dimension (this is actually my basic intuition for why your result should be false, the projections in [math]S[/math] all have finite dimension, so the structures of their projection lattices are too different for a quasi-isomorphism, and "the identity shouldn't be the image of any similarity class"). You might be able to prove it by including [math]S[/math] into the ideal of compact operators and borrowing results from Calkin algebras.
If so, you just use strong excision and the (short) exact sequence.

The definitions are fucking confusing, tho, so I might have mixed something up.

>> No.11403563 [View]
File: 385 KB, 2000x1900, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_chikuwa_tikuwaumai__3ef3ff02c391e5d1d143603ed06b5f60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the smarterest questions edition.
Formerly >>11388817

>what is /sqt/ for
Questions relating to math and science, plus appropriate advice requests.
>where do I go for other SFW questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ , >>>/g/sqt , >>>/diy/sqt , >>>/adv/ , etc.
libgen.is (Warn me if the link breaks.)
>book recs?
>how do I post math symbols?
>a google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where do I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

Question asking tips and tricks:
>attach an image
>look up the Tex guide beforehand
>if you've made a mistake that doesn't actually affect the question, don't reply to yourself correcting it. Anons looking for people to help usually assume that questions with replies have already been answered, more so if it has two or three replies
>ask anonymously
>check the Latex with the Tex button on the posting box
>if someone replies to your question with a shitpost, ignore it

Good charts: https://mega.nz/#F!40U0zAja!cmRxsIoiLFZ_Mvu2QCWaZg
Shitty charts: https://mega.nz/#F!NoEHnIyT!rE8nWyhqGGO7cSOdad6fRQ (Post any that I've missed.)
Verbitsky: https://mega.nz/#F!80cWBKxC!ml8ll_vD2Gbw4I1hSLylCw
Graphing: https://www.desmos.com/
Calc problems: https://www.wolframalpha.com/

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