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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11880811 [View]
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Let's talk about motivation this time, because even the most capable mind is useless if it doesn't work towards a specific goal that somehow gets you closer to your life goal. So, post about self discipline, your personal goals, how to follow them and how you trick your brain into constantly working towards it.
Last thread: >>11831961

Discuss brain improvement and mind enhancement. We had this thread recently and it hit bump limit, so here it is as a general. Let's make this a thing.
Please post science only, snake oil shit is only allowed if you specifically declare it as such.
We already figured out
> good sleep
>physical exercise (HIIT, endurance, lifting, ...)
> different games such as go, chess, dual-n-back, ...
> microdosing shrooms/LSD (not confirmed)
> meditation, hypnosis and similar
> proper diet, such as
> high fat (but only good fats obviously)
> supplement zinc, magnesium, ... (inb4 copper fag starts shitposting about literal pigs)
> if you accept addiction: adderal, caffeine, nicotine, ...
> not touching your dick [citation needed]
> learning languages (preferably ones that differ from your native one)
> probably something else that I forgot already because I didn't take the time to study memory techniques

One thing I'd like to hear about is how to git good at creative thinking. I can solve stuff when I have a clear objective but I suck at thinking of something creative just for the sake of creativity
Post whatever comes to your mind, let's use our full potential to think of even weirder shitposts.

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