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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4568744 [View]
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Hi /sci/

I'm not sure whether to post this in /lit/ or /sci/ so I'll post in both.

Have you people experimented with speed reading and mnemonics?

Care to share your experience, tips?

Recommended reading or programs?

>> No.4557190 [View]
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a long time ago i tried meditation as a way to improve myself. i never tried doing it over a long period of time like more than 1 week. however, lately ive read an article about lucid dreaming and im starting to wonder because the method of lucid dreaming and meditation share many parallels as in having your eyes closed for quite some time. the questions are:
is lucid dreaming the same as meditation ?
does meditation really work when you aim to improve yourself ?

i would like to try meditation again but i have the impression that it is just a big placebo thing

>> No.4495999 [View]
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Have you seen the movie Inception?
That part where they slow down time by having dreams within dreams?
Is that physically possible?
I'd like to know if there was a way to meditate and be able to slow down time for you. Imagine having a test; You meditate for a few minutes and do the test in your head. All within a few minutes.

>> No.4482713 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, brain by nibauralbrainwave.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only do up to 30 words though. The fourth set screws me up.


>> No.4293952 [View]
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is it possible to create a language completely out of numbers ? i have thought about that for a time and i have found out that it has incredible potential if you think of the possibilities since our thinking seems to be language bound. so whenever you create a new idea by mixing like whatever... 2 ideas together, you wouldnt need to find a word for it. in the number language the word would hold the numbers of the 2 basic ideas + a number indicating the proportions of each basic idea.
while this doesn't sound interesting you can reverse think numbers into ideas and determine if that idea is useful, similar to the periodic system

>> No.4280819 [View]
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through the wormhole s02e05 sixth sense... I can't believe someone saying 53/100 is significant.

>> No.4276320 [View]
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So, /sci/ is most intelligent board
as far as I know.. I am thinking of doing
a project and here's the problem
I've been thinking about: if i hang a string
between two points what is strings shape
a parabola? If so how do I prove it and
derive the formula
to make a parabola with parameter I need?

>> No.4249646 [View]
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hi /sci/,
what's your daily schedule?
Mine is pretty shitty, I browse unproductively about 4 hours a day instead of using that time for additional learning and stuff

>> No.4138001 [View]
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In the future, a person may be able to watch a computer screen and have his or her brain patterns modified to improve physical or mental performance. Researchers say an innovative learning method that uses decoded functional magnetic resonance imaging could modify brain activities to help people recuperate from an accident or disease, learn a new language or even fly a plane


>> No.4024060 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, diagram-of-brain-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ode to the Brain!

>> No.3970621 [View]
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hi /g/,
so I had this thought of brain training with limited breathing. What I mean is doing math or other problem solving tasks which can be done in a minute or two (without breathing). How do you think - would it increase brain capacity by adjusting them to lower levels of oxygen? Or am I being total fag?

>> No.3881783 [View]
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Intellectually stimulating topics ITT

I'll start. The double slit experiment

>> No.3873875 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, brain-763982-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It inter-compares, it synthesizes, it analyzes

>> No.3804437 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, brain2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the GMAT in a month and a half. Whats the best nootropic for math/spatial aptitude. The english section is ezmodo for me, but complex abstract math sometimes makes me stumble. Any sugestions?

>> No.3618266 [View]
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You rage, you lose.


>> No.3577622 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, diagram-of-brain-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recollection Abstraction Prediction Correlation Comparison..etc. Much of this happens via Bi-directional Bayesian Neural Net Processes over several layers. This effectively allows us to make sense of invariant representations of lower levels of data entering our minds.

Our increasing understanding of the Brain's Hierarchical Neocortex and Memory Centers, as well as Thalimo-Cortical Circuits will eventually allow us to replicate these processes given enough computing power.

>> No.3522978 [View]
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After I die could another human be born sometime in the future whose brain is so similar to mine that i would experience consciousness again, as a new person, like being reborn and starting your life again, no memories or anything like that.

My dna or physical brain isn't what makes me me right, it's the software not the hardware, it's how the brain is wired, and another brain similarly wired is possible however unlikely

>> No.3496230 [View]
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hey /sci/

I was thinking of killing myself by learning too much of something in a certain period of time.

What should I learn?

>> No.3439432 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, fuck-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3357468 [View]
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I'd like to discuss with you all about an idea I had. In order to do that though, how many of you know about HTMs(Hierarchical Temporal Memory). I ask that because what I will be discussing utilizes this concept a great deal.utilizes this concept a great deal.

>> No.3319207 [View]
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What if a psycho chained someone up in his basement and forced them to memorize thousands of digits of π? Would they reach a point where the ability of their brain to store more information was reached? What would happen then? Would they start forgetting other things to make more room for digits of π? Would they go completely insane?

>> No.3295869 [View]
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A little while ago I could smell iron when there wasn't any blood around. And now I can hear the sound of rainfall when it isn't even raining, opinions?

>> No.3246280 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, brain-763982-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can the brain remember so much info?

>> No.3120407 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, brain-763982-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is /sci/'s view on psychiatry
and because some of you don't know the difference psychology as well

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