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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5673507 [View]
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Alright /sci/ have you ever experienced ASMR or Frisson?



I ask because what I can't find any examples anywhere on the internet of it being triggered by the same triggers as what triggers it in me.

I find mine is mostly triggered by:

Learning new concepts and everything clicks in to place.
A twist or a reveal in a story.
Sitting and thinking about the vastness of the universe.

The feeling I get fits exactly with the ASMR descriptions. Its a tingling in the head that then travels down the spine combined with a euphoria unlike anything I can achieve any other way.

>> No.5635975 [DELETED]  [View]
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Alright so I have no desire for a formal level of education post high school nor employment in a field requiring me to have one, which brings me to ask you, would there be something wrong with wasting my talents in a mediocre job while pursuing my love of knowledge in my free time through open courseware?

>> No.5573023 [View]
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is it happening already ?
oh lordy, it sure is happening

>> No.5412589 [View]
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Hello /sci/ I have this ridiculous idea. Bear with me its rather difficult to explain.
What if we invent a new language that allow us to communicate way faster than any other language. For example, we could shorten 'I want that cheeseburger.' to lets say ' adfvjn'? What I think I'm trying to say is that we can increase the amount of information stored per word, we could really increase speed of relaying information.
More importantly, I think that allocating more information per word would help to shorten our speed of processing information in our brain. Like we would be able to form a conclusion faster than if we were to use lets say English.
What do you think /sci/?

>> No.5338983 [View]
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>> No.5331490 [View]
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I had a little thought experiment I'd like to run by /sci/. I'll note that, although it might seem that way, this is not intended as an argument against naturalism/physicalism/materialism (though I would not say I am committed to that interpretation either).

Supposing that we one day create a 100% predictive "theory of everything", we could (at least hypothetically) create a simulation of the entire history of the universe, from the Big Bang (or even "before" if there is such a thing) to either infinity or universal heat death.

So supposing you were plugged into this simulation (which is, again, absolutely accurate and predictive, since nature is supposed, if such a theory is possible, to be ultimately mechanistic), you could experience the simulation in two ways:

1) Exploratory - in this mode you could "view" any time in the history of the universe as a sort of disembodied ghost (and you would be able to access any sort of data you wanted on the things you were experiencing - like if you were looking at a sun you could ask the simulation program how many atoms were in it, and it could pull up the number in scientific notation)

>> No.5274488 [View]
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Whats the deal with so called "edetic" or "photographic" memory. I know there is a slight difference, with general edetic memory being broader in scope. Does anyone REALLY have this ability, or is it just a myth? Is there any good research on the topic?

If any of you at least think you have such an abilities, can you describe what it's like?

>> No.5261741 [View]
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Peoples brains differ, but how much?

>> No.5254754 [View]
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I was talking with some mates the other day.

we were banging on about dreams, then we got to daytime hallucination, they said they could see things at will, crystal clear, eyes shut, I call bollocks, but what'd I know?

Anyway, if someone says to me, 'visualize this' blahdeyblahblah, I can't do it, I'll close me eyes, not a ruddy thing.



>> No.5247876 [View]
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What factors determine IQ?

I mean physiological factors in the brain.


>> No.5215474 [View]
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If we imagine something, why can't we see at all or in as high resolution than as in a dream?

Why can't we see things that we want to see at will?

Why are drugs necessary for this?


>> No.5195228 [View]
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Why do we get bored of doing the same things over and over?

does the dopamine run out or does the brain just decide to stop releasing it?

And why after taking a break from things and coming back to them, do we enjoy them again?

If a memory is stronger does the brain release less dopamine, if any?

Is dopamine even behind this, am I completely wrong?


>> No.5175158 [View]
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How does the brain decide when to release neurotransmitters?

And how much? I assume your experiences shape this, but how? why do we get pleasure from different things? are these 'locked down' in childhood, never to be changed again?

Do genetics play a role? because not every kid enjoys the same thing

>> No.5145554 [View]
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What determines how exhilarating an experience will be?

For example, watching an intense action scene, your team scores or winning the lottery.

Thank you.

>> No.5078947 [View]
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does intelligence promote good behavior as in having good ethics ,even if it is just on the basis of efficiency ?
maybe not now, but how will it be in the future when people are evolving to beings which work or do more mentally and less physically, caused by biological and technical evolution ?

>> No.4993377 [View]
File: 117 KB, 347x346, brain-763982-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /sci/,

I am quite sure that this has already been discussed here, but why not give it another go:

My brain is made of matter which can be simulated by machines. So, I start replacing parts of my brain with chips. After some time I complete the swapping and now my entire brain is an actual computer.

Is my consciousness still inside? Do I still exist? Sure from the outside everything seems the same - but do I still feel stuff, or am I gone? If I am not in there, at what point did I disappear?

Let's assume that while doing this, I made another, identical computer. Why is my consciousness in the first one (if it is there) but not in the second one? What is consciousness?

>> No.4930622 [View]
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i want more ppl to talk to

>> No.4828120 [View]
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What tier would neuroscience be? I know probably not god tier, not up there with physics, but definitely higher than psychology or sociology. Could someone give me a breakdown on the importance of the sciences? Physics, astronomy, cosmology, etc.

>> No.4823702 [View]
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Alrighty /sci/entists!

The quest for better brains has begun.

We shall gather our resources and come up with compounds that increase cognitive function.

So far our list includes:

Ginko biloba
Centella asiatica
Huperzine A
Rosmarinus officinalis
Omega-3 fatty acid

>> No.4791843 [View]
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Science & Math. Does this board include Chemistry?

What can you tell me about the drug Nembutal?

>> No.4785336 [View]
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Explain how I could improve my video gaming ability without actually playing video games.

This does not belong in /v.

>> No.4765246 [View]
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As in, do I make them arise? Or do they arise on their own?

If I am aware of the sounds around me, it doesn't feel as if I am creating the noise, making it arise. But when I am aware of thought, it feels as if I am creating them, thinking them into awareness.

Is this an illusion? Like the illusion that I am in my head, looking through my eyes.

>> No.4691548 [View]
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hi thar! I plan to study biomedical engineering in order to get my master with focus on neural engineering. Im living in germany and so far i only found one university in germany which offers a focus on neural engineering in the master of biomedical engineering and this is in saarbrücken. anyone here studying something similar ?
do you know any universities in the vicinity of germany that offer this focus on neural engineering ? language should either be english or german, but can be dutch, too.

>> No.4591005 [View]
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Hardest question I can think of....

What is the adaptive advantage of consciousness?

My brain is on fire atm. Lets here it /sci/

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