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>> No.15687042 [View]
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The speed of light is found in the design of this structure three times.

>grand gallery at c latitude in meters (happens to be the center of the landmass on Earth...)
>difference between superscribed and inscribed circle of base = c in meters
>total arc seconds of its angle (51°51'14") = c in ft/s to 99.5% accuracy

Not to mention the differing length of its sides = the three ways in which we measure our year (sidereal, anomalistic and tropical) in royal cubits, to all three decimal places every time.

The concavity of the four faces (eight sided pyramid) describes a circle with a radius that = Earth's radius.

The height being derived from Pi, etc, etc. It never stops.
This isn't just arbitrary number digging. This is clearly intentional to any rational observer. How do we seriously deal with this incredible wrench in our conventional understanding of history?

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