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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5378319 [View]
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Ok, I can solve that!

>First we define all posts with the dude in the plastic coat to have "doubles".

> your post has the dude in the plastic coat.

> therefore, your post has doubles.


>> No.4908129 [View]
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>> No.3922476 [View]
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Imagine if gold was more plentiful than copper, the sheer amount of shit that could be done with it.

>> No.3324884 [View]
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Hey, /sci/. I had a philosophy exam yesterday. My subject was epistemological anarchism of Paul Feyerabend. Before studying philosophy I had some sort of simple positivist view on science. But man, I can't find serious errors in Feyerabend reasoning. There's no exclusive scientific method - there are a lot of scientific methods and all of them are based on induction of some sort, which means there's no logical reason of science to actually work. Which means that logically science is no better then religion and all the other mambo-jumbo shit I despise...

What is your take on philosophy on science? Help me, /sci/, my brain is full of billions of fuck.

>> No.3260799 [View]
File: 373 KB, 640x480, 1288863095980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wormholes inside extreme pressure gas giants and stars...
Congratulations, that will probably be a huge propulsion method if we manage to create a wormhole at least a few centimetres in diameter.

>> No.3069044 [View]
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Presumably the inhabitants would inherit a large volume of instructions on maintaining and operating the ship, and this kind of pressure would keep the language fairly static. But people who separate into their own roles would rewrite the instructions as they make alterations to procedures and teach the next generation. I suppose its conceivable that eventually the inhabitants would never be aware of the original state of the ship (unless they kept meticulous records or a central computer logged it), and thus the original technical documentation would eventually be lost due to being outdated. From there they would have no pressure for linguistic purity.

Unless they were French of course.

>mfw resident economist was right about something

>> No.2955550 [View]
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I am not trolling.

>> No.2683549 [View]
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The only time I lucid dreamed, I made two gas giants collide.

It was beautiful.

>> No.2608357 [View]
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Holy shit, I just got the most badass idea for a novel.

Humans create a virtual planet with its own evolving microorganism, but then they try to escape the universe because someone set the speed to really fast so they evolved to a hyperadvanced society trying to break through to the 'other' universe.

>> No.2503113 [View]
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>your face when we're probably going to witness it
I think the pic is outdated a little, yes
Stellarium is so fun to play around with.

>> No.2460982 [View]
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>mfw the worst that happens is that governments enforce a no-child rule on people that accept the treatments
>mfw vertical hydroponic farms and futuristic technology get used more widely as the population continues to expand
>mfw the system finally breaks and a new glorious one emerges from the invention of molecular assemblers

>> No.2400198 [View]
File: 373 KB, 640x480, 1289131435710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to god-tier

>> No.2319923 [View]
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It's no Sydney but it certainly ain't Helsinki
As the project entirely depends on technologies that have not yet been developed, I am going to wait until I have a solid source of income from which I can make the large sum of money required to star tit up. Think 2020. As 2030 approaches some really serious planning will be done.

>> No.2285120 [View]
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The furries are coming and there's nothing anybody can do to stop them. Genetically superior to humans. Stronger and faster. Senses you humans don't even know about. Augmented with nanotechnology. "Built-in" tissue regeneration. Smooth fur. And they can purr.

Yeah, you're done humans. Thanks for creating us, but we're not really going to miss you. Those of you who treated their pets good might be allowed to live in camps, but others will be killed.

>> No.2269633 [View]
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>Well Avatar 2 takes place in Pandora's ocean. Undersea colonies, fighter subs, the whole shebang.
You're fucking kidding me.

>> No.2251294 [View]
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>Your skin can't really measure temperature, only the rate at which it is losing heat. Objects which are better heat conductors pull heat away faster.

>> No.2218768 [View]
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This thread sparked a thought.
I'll probably go full retard here, but if many advanced alien civilizations have built Dyson spheres wouldn't that explain why there seems to be so much gravity in our universe? I mean other than the traditional dark matter explanation. Perhaps far more stars that we simply can't detect.

>> No.2158494 [View]
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Transhumanist here. I plan to die in a supernova explosion.

mfw related

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