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>> No.15423187 [View]
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The rest of the world is doing it and will keep doing so. Worst of it, it does so putting retards into places they don’t deserve by a million chance and then have the actual intellectuals do the hard work. May as will take all you can before this crumbling turns into ash.
Both my parents work for the public health services of my country. By instituting law I leap into the priority list at the job offerings, regardless of how skilled the other physicians are. I am a year away from finishing my spec and taking what is rightfully mine. Been wishing for that moment since I decided to study medicine, which was around fifteen years old. Around that same age I started to figure out how society worked and witnessed with crippling helplessness how I got marginalized from things I knew were mine.
Now I am thirty years old. Picked anesthesia because that is what I legit enjoy but also because it’s the spec that will allow me to meet my sworn enemies at their most vulnerable.
Is it bad? I honestly do not care. And you shouldn’t either. If pursuing your dreams means crushing others’ then do so.

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