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>> No.5769122 [View]
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It doesn't need to be banned. It is so fucking retarded, that anyone who actually studies this shit is a fucking laughing stock and loses all automatically loses all scientific crebibility. Scientist who choose to do it are automatically blaklisted. Fuck'em .

Only racists still care/study that nonsense, and everyone knows it.

>> No.4549246 [View]
File: 97 KB, 983x768, einst_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universities that have collaborations with CERN are required to send Grad-students, post docs, and Phd to live there, and operate the machines (supply the man power). It is actually pretty common.

Most people at CERN are actually employed by an outside univeristy, but work at CERN. This actually goes for most of the directors and project leaders as well.

You meet people that are technically employed by universities/labs/companies all over the world at CERN.

>> No.4125965 [View]
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Look...everything we do is fundemenally from a "human perspective". Everything we learn, explore, and theorize, has a "human bias" that fundemenatlly cannot be removed. We can simplify concepts ad-infinium, but that doensn't change the inherit human bias.

At our most "simplified human bias", time indeed exists. It is basically an "imaginary dimension". However in the future, maybe our most "simplifed human bias" will have eliminted time. It is a possibility...

To wonder if time "actually exists" beyond our human bias (animal/earth bias), assumes that there is some "univeral perspective" that exists independent of the observers. That doesn't make any sense.

There is no "universal bias". It does not exist. So, your question is kinda fucking retarded.

You know, our most "simplified human bias" says that "TEMPERATURE DOES NOT EXIST". Indeed tempeture has been simplifed in such a way that it is not some fundemental property of the universe or objects, but just the result of other fundemental properties. Temperture is derived from motion and statistics. As humans, we "experience temperture", even though it is not fundemental. Not being "fundemenal" doesn't make it any less hot or cold though. The "human bias of the averge citizen" says tempeture exists, so it exists for them, regardless of it being fundemental or not.

>> No.2745456 [View]
File: 97 KB, 983x768, einst_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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