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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15559843 [View]
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I always wanted to do medicine. Mom is a nurse and since I was young she encouraged me to do it because job stability. In my country the government agencies pay you since internship. I can't tell you if it is my passion since it's the only thing I've never tried anything outside healthcare. I wasn't accepted at my first try in med school so I did six months of dentistry but quit it because it lacked diversity. In my mind being an orthodontist was similar to being a endodontist while in medicine there is a huge difference between anesthesia (my spec) and psychiatry. In my young twenties as a student I switched from being interested in psychiatry, ENT, orthopedics and so on.
Bottom line I did medicine because I felt like doing it. Nowadays I'm 30 and looking back I've missed a whole lot of time with my family, relationships, money and life.
I've come to enjoy medicine, specially my spec. The thing about that is that I don't like it that much as in to have multiple jobs and shit. Would rather invest, get into entrepreneurships and do anesthesia on the side as a hobby rather than a job. I like it that much, if it makes sense.

>> No.11416918 [View]
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I'm in a bachelor's course in psyhcology, preparing to write and coordinate a small project on art theraphy with poor children, however I know next to nothing on the subject, would anyone have any reccomendations of books or literature in general that would assist such work?

i'm reading gestalt art experience from jamie rhyne rn

I couldn't acess the archive so I dunno if a question like this was asked before

>> No.10128617 [View]
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Sorry OP, you're gonna die...

>> No.9365432 [View]
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>tfw gay but Hannah Fry makes me blush and have lewd thoughts
what do

>> No.9324574 [View]
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Wtf has this board turned into

>> No.9303918 [View]
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Are multivitamin pills worth it /sci/?

>> No.9254721 [View]
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I'm so fucking tired of the retardation going on in America from both sides.

Was the internet a mistake /sci/? Did science actually go too fucking far this time?

Should we just ban Americans (excluding of businesses, hospitals, tax and science institutions) from the internet? Because it really seems like this shit needs to be contained.

>> No.8982135 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is 26 too late to get into university?

>> No.8952953 [View]
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>On 28 February 1998, Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist, and colleagues [1] published a paper in The Lancet that described 8 children whose first symptoms of autism appeared within 1 month after receiving an MMR vaccine. All 8 of these children had gastrointestinal symptoms and signs and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia revealed on endoscopy. From these observations, Wakefield postulated that MMR vaccine caused intestinal inflammation that led to translocation of usually nonpermeable peptides to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to the brain, where they affected development.

>> No.8896409 [View]
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>132 (Mensa)
>High School drop out
>0 GPA
>Spaniard- Mediterranean/Moor mixed race

>> No.8890414 [View]
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What the hell is a sigma algebra? I don't understand the definition on my book, it basically defines the operations you can do in a topological space? What is its utility with stochastic processes?

>> No.8734976 [View]
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>Americans, do you not care that your new govt is full of blatant liars and incompetents

Most of the people who voted for Trump severly lack knowledge of government, science and economics beyond high school. Because of this they can't logically deduce Trump and his team are effectively hacks who are ab libbing their way through most of the executive process.

I like to believe some of these people are starting to realize what they have done but it will probably take war or China overtaking us economics wise before they realize they fucked up seriously.

And even then they probably won't understand why this shit is happening.

>> No.8720088 [View]
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I'm a retard who goes to community college (a really good one) and the professors quote unquote have crazy good response times for email.
I think they like a lot of people in fields focused on 'helping' ie improving peoples lives put a lot of energy into compartmentalization so they don't get too sucked into the job

My family physician is a really caring dude who I can tell cares immensely about my well being
that's unusual in Canada because healthcare is socialized and therefore marred by the same apathy you get at the DMV - you get treated like just another line item, another product awaiting inspection before being packaged and shipped to the client.
He went on a year long furlough because he got sucked into the job too far

Medicine's a lot different than education though. And community college is different than college. Community college is 100% student education - University has aspects of research going on.

>> No.8691552 [View]
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Might be a bit autistic to ask, but is that discrepancy just floating point error (assuming they did the division with a computer)? If it's not, it could continue to diverge after some arbitrary number of terms.

>> No.8670277 [View]
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>WARNING: This food product contains DNA

>> No.8662152 [View]
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>In today's market
>wanting to get into the academic equivalent of caged cock fighting

>> No.8647814 [View]
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How the fuck can an osberver change the outcome of an experiment? I still can't wrap my mind about this.

Also does the wave function of a quantum particle represent something phyisical or is it just the mathematical model used to describe the "superposition" the quantum is in until it is measured?

>> No.8630499 [View]
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Can analytic continuation be done on real functions?

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