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>> No.11379281 [View]
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Although it seems that Russia is apparently not much better off on their current course. They had stated they planned on moving to LiFi (pulsed visible light) but are now also pushing for 5G.

Russian National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) - 2008 report, WHO

>> No.11363151 [View]
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which suggested the exposure to RF (microwave) radiation was causing the neurons to
continually fire, without rest. RF radiation appeared to act as a constant stimulant even
when the men were away from the station, and in repose. The SPECT scans were
considered abnormal in all 6 firefighters.
6. Cognitive function, reaction time, and impulse control were measured objectively
using T.O.V.A. testing [Test of Variables of Attention]. In all six (6) firefighters,
impairment was found with cognitive function, reaction time and impulse control. Three
(3) of the six (6) firefighters were captains. The captain on each shift is in charge of
making life altering decisions for all firefighters and potential victims. They order
firefighters into a burning building, and conversely, they order them out before a roof
may collapse, for example. Impairment of all three critical functions could cost
firefighters and the community they serve either life or limb.
7. The testing was conducted in 2004. The cell towers are in place at the two (2) fire
stations where the test subjects work for the duration of a twenty-two (22) year lease.
The men we tested have remained at the stations as this is the only work they know in the
only community they have ever lived in. One (1) of the six (6) men tested did move to
another department after his wife gave birth to an a boy who was diagnosed with Autism
at age 2. This was the first live birth experienced by the “firefighter family” at this
department since activation of the tower three (3) years earlier.
8. I have followed up with the firefighters who report continued symptoms as described
in paragraph 4. Additionally, all firefighters report profound memory loss.
9. Two (2) of the firefighters, men we did not test in the pilot study but men who were
exposed to RF radiation from the cell tower since their installation and activation in 1999,
have gone out on psychiatric disability. This is almost unheard of among firefighters.

>> No.11341152 [View]
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's long been suspected that bird feathers could act as antennas, or facilitate some other form of transduction.
[m][Symposium, Virginia Commonwealth] 1969 - Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation
Page 185: JA Tanner, C Romero-Sierra - Bird feathers as sensory detectors of microwave fields
Bigu-del-Blanco 1975 - The properties of bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers and as receptors of microwave radiation. I. Bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers.
Bigu-del-Blanco 1975 - The properties of bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers and as receptors of microwave radiation. II. Bird feathers as dielectric receptors of microwave radiation.


And that's it for the 5G section. 4chan strips the formatting so it's a bit of a wall of text.

>> No.11321499 [View]
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>Alright... into the exposure chamber...
Interestingly a number of the low intensity RF researchers who were more prominent were women. More keen to look for cumulative effects over time, perhaps.

>> No.11264784 [View]
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[m][Symposium, Warsaw] 1973 - Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation
"We used an experimental model of intermittent irradiation based on actual regimes of irradiation accompanying production. We found that, according to a number of indicators (fluctuations in weight and blood pressure, electroencephalography and electromyography, neurosecretory activity of hypothalamic nuclei), intermittent exposure to irradiation results in more pronounced biologic effects than those of steady irradiation under conditions of equal strength and time parameters. One could hypothesize that intermittent exposure, is much more strenuous for the adaptation and compensation mechanisms owing to the frequent changes in the irradiation parameters.

Without dwelling upon the clinical direction of research, to which a separate paper by Dr. M. N. Sadcikova is devoted, we will only note that clinico-hygienic correlations made it possible to link the clinical indicators with intensity of microwave irradiation under industrial conditions. This unique material accumulated as a result of 20 years' observations made it possible to establish a very important fact, namely, that the biologic effects become more severe with increasing duration of work accompanied by irradiation of low intensities (less than l mW/cm2).

>> No.10774771 [View]
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soviets were way ahead of us in mmWave radar systems. I've read through more declassified DTIC / CIA junk than I can even recall. Their research is not to be discounted.

You think you're being given a choice, you're NOT. It is covert, it's a plan int he works for decades, it's insidious and it's reached full swing now.

You've been warned.

>> No.10769113 [View]
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Accept your ownage, like a man. All this worming around is just embarrassing.

>> No.10758919 [View]
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You in the cage.

>> No.10380022 [View]
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5G is a major threat. It's harmful on multiple fronts, health, privacy, societal structure. Focusing on health.

Millimeter waves are bad for humans, likely lethal for smaller animals. Unfortunately unlike existing technologies, which are no safer, data on millimeter waves is comparatively sparse. But among the data available there are some consistent and clear trends.

The primary mechanism for existing microwave systems is increased free radical generation, changes in gene expression, and altered calcium flux. It's not known if millimeter waves work precisely the same way, but it is known:
-The structure of human sweat glands is a helical coil. When filled with sweat (a conductive salt solution) it turns out this is a quite functional antenna array for millimeter waves
-Once in the body attenuation is very low according to USSR literature. Millimeter waves propagate easily through the extracellular space, preserving in particular their "information" content. Structures in the body are capable of demodulating these signals.
-The geometry of the plasma membrane changes in response, and maintains this change long after irradiation has ceased.
-It changes the structure of the skin, alters the blood, alters bone marrow and lymphatic function, cripples the immune system, prevents the production of vitamin D, and demyelinates nerves as well as rendering their axons fragmented. Yes, it strips off the insulation and chops up the wires. You can expect destruction of peripheral nerves including the spine.
-Damage to the eyes

>> No.10329328 [View]
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A brief note on the surveillance aspect. 5G is pretty much the spine required for massive data harvesting operations. New LED streetlights, which besides emitting high intensity blue light which causes necrotic cell death of your retinal ganglion / photoreceptors and suppressing melatonin synthesis, will read blackbody radiation and communicate with each other to build a realtime 3D map of an area. Remember also, airport scanners use millimeter waves. Why? Very good at assessing fine grained geometry of objects, under clothing.

Televisions already have internet connectivity, microphones, and IR cameras. If say, RFID units were added to most products, everything about you could be known. You really think any of this will be used to make the world a better place? Are you really not seeing all the agendas designed to destroy our ability to get along and form responses against state approved power structures?

Ah, then you have ID2020, overtly supported by the typical offenders.
Read this whole site.
And gosh, wouldja look at that, lo and behold it's already happening! Probably because we signed on to a commitment to do so.
eg (https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/realid))

You'd have to be a fool to not see where this is headed. We have the ability to make cells express "magnetoproteins", we have cheap and generally effective gene editing technology, we're nearing a point of mutational load sufficient for obvious population infertility. Birth rate has dropped below replacement in many technologically advanced countries, they now rely on immigration. Infertility has become big business, and allows access to the genetic makeup of the embryo. Wen have self assembling materials that can form nano sized conductive filaments. We have little organic piezoelectric machines we can produce. There are many ways of controlling minds, and it's strange that the bulk of the stories I wrote years ago were ac

>> No.10189869 [View]
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Now the late 80's, USAF gets pentagon approval to physically consolidate separate military installations for study of this matter to Brooks airforce base, Texas.
-Its staff launch a campaign to all NATO members pushing the thermal doctrine, such that use of radar abroad would meet no political or public resistance
-It works relatively well
-Mobile phones start coming around
-Motorola and others become big
-Try to buy research at UCLA's brain research institute, Jerry Phillips refuses to play along, gets funding cut. Adey doesn't have to play along because his study actually reveals a very small reduction in brain tumor rates in rats. Motorola is looking for -no effect- at all. Adey publishes, they shit talk him for a bit. Cut funding for future studies.
-Officeof Naval Affairs, Department of Energy, and other sources of public funding dry up int he mid 90's
-Lai and Singh's study showing DNA breaks in rat brains exposed to cell phone signals
-Telecom goes into damage control
-Eventually bring in PR firm Phillip-Morris
-Meanwhile powerlines are being connected with childhood leukemia and brain tumors.
-Utilities form EPRI
-Hydro Quebec at first cooperates but then becomes hostile to research.
-Andrew Marino and many others get dragged into / participate in highly public legal hearings concerning siting of high voltage power lines
-Other things build
-Effects on fertility become yet clearer
-Hardcore denial of nonthermal effects solidifies in the west as far as the narrative goes despite continued research, mid 90's. No such problems in China or Russia.
-Milton Zaret and his cataract studies
-Forgot all about Allan Frey and his microwave auditory effect / headache studies
-Wifi and so forth comes around.
-Old researchers are going inactive and dying off
-New generation
-Public is sold a pack of lies and gradually forget
-More wireless devices. People are enamored and become physically addicted, as these fields literally act on the opioid[..]

>> No.10174483 [View]
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this is probably Mariya Tolgskaya. Which would likely make it prior to the 60's. Don't know.

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