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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15895973 [View]
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>be hospitalist
>patient admitted for CAP 6 days ago
>complains of abrupt palpitations + anxiety on day of planned discharge
>w/u confirming new onset fib RVR, stabilizing VS with rate control
>reflex testing with CXR and TTE
>now… just need to send a cards consult
>reason for consult: new fib, cardioversion for VS instability in setting of RVR, waning mental status

>5 min later

>nurse practitioner walks in room
>introduces herself as the consultant from interventional cardiology


tl;dr abundance of online nurse practitioner programs are oversaturating primary care and specialty service.
I can’t be the only one in this thread having headaches with ANPs

>> No.9203833 [View]
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Fucking this, had to take Calc III for CE

The real shit part is the vast majority of formulas used only require algebra

>> No.9168942 [View]
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This is exactly what my dad told me when I played HS football, and I was aware enough to know that I sucked so bad that colleges wouldn't even look at my candidacy

>son, you can be whatever you want, you can be an astronaut, a musician, even president. I believe in you
>>stfu dad

>> No.9129977 [View]
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I'm at the stage where I CAN'T play a game. For some reason I rewired my brain to the point I can't even play a casual phone game if tried. This is coming from someone that would play 12+ competitive matches on CSGO. Here'sI did to the best of memory.
>Payed for a ridiculous good UD cheat (getting banned would make me relapse) got Global.
>Recorded my reaction of getting Global
>Uninstalled every game I had
>If for any reason I reinstalled, I would uninstall right away
>Begin substituting all that free time with what I actually should be doing (building a business centered on laptop repair, reading, schoolwork)
I like I said it's really hard for me to play a game unless it's with someone else I know IRL, and it feels like a chore even then.

Ironically enough I own 18 high end gaming laptops (GTX 900 series and 1000 series) but it's purely for business.

>> No.9110672 [View]
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Why is combinatorics so hard?

>> No.8994286 [View]
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>don't give me that naturalist fallacy
Wew lad
Don't give me that fedora teir nonsense
Gentic modification is comparatively weak compared to agroecology with disciplines like network, complexity and biodiversty science. GM also has serious consequences. Mostly do to the industrial agriculture they support.
Affifi, R. Biosemiotics (2017) 10: 75. doi: 10.1007/ s12304 - 017- 9286- 7
Genetic Engineering and Human Mental Ecology: Interlocking Effects and Educational Considerations

>> No.8960471 [View]
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>The hierarchy is quantified by level of energy measured in joules of energy.
>It can also be quantified by risk.
Stating the scale of analysis does nothing to prove the actuality of a hiearchy. That there are universal, stratified levels of organization.
I reject your premise that bee hives are hierarchal. Being able to quantify something does not make it an actual entity.
>The entire workforce of a bee hive is specialised to protect the queen even if it means sacrificing their life
>the queen has no such perjorative
A Hetrarchy would make more sense for explaining priority in a beehive. Even then the concept isn't realized from actuality. To explain it properly is to synthesize the hive as a living system, systems are also abstract btw.

>> No.8886032 [View]
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Some people enjoy a challenge?

Show me the source showing that pure mathematics majors have lower IQ than analytic philosophy majors.

>> No.8327173 [View]
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These rankings pretty much only matter to people who intend to do research at a university. It doesn't say anything about the quality of education, especially if you are an undergrad.

>> No.8112579 [View]
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>> No.8040834 [View]
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just stop

>> No.7706530 [View]
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>all of them could barely handle calc I

lol, our program doesn't even have a real "calc I". We have a special dumbed-down "Calculus for Life Science" course instead. Most of the people in the lab I work in can barely handle the simple dilution and molarity calculations required for making up buffers.

>5th year undergrad student in charge of making lysis buffer
>calls for 0.1M DTT, need 7ml total
>doesn't make up a stock solution, tries to weigh out dry powder
>does math wrong
>weighs out enough DTT to make 5 LITERS of buffer
>uses it to make 7mL
>"anon, this buffer recipe PI gave us must be wrong, it doesn't look right"
>"buffer" in falcon tube is just a chunk of white powder with a bit of water floating on top
>she tries to use it anyways
>obviously doesn't work
>just shrugs and goes home
>MFW she's being offered a masters position in our lab

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