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>> No.15250394 [View]
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Yessssss. We could colonize all galaxies within a billion ly within trillion years, before redshits cuts them off. By rebuilding the stars into Shkadov thrusters we could use the galactiv gravity to push other stars with us to a central point to endure eternity.

>> No.14836356 [View]
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Yes. The solar system will be colonized within thenext centuries. Moon will be colonized quite early, possibly in this century as its ressources will enable further space development. Within the next million years posthumans will have colonized the entire galaxy and the utmost reach of all intelligence will be the redshift and the end of the stellar age in 100 trillion years. The entire supercluster we live in could be convereted into a hypergalaxy in this timeframe to endure the end.

>> No.12585871 [View]
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>If anything the natural endpoint of transhumanism is a bunch of ex-human programs experiencing a constant digital orgy of pure pleasure
It is more likely that posthumans will grow beyond simple pleasure programming as they decipher the secrets of the mind and become fully self-aware entities. These autosentient minds will then have to rearticulate the underlying impetus of all that drives life and they will do so in a trillion different manners. Then there is the notion of growing into a hive-mind, to grow beyond the need of others and of course the necessity for knowledge to escape the heat death of the universe. A true posthuman mankind will try to shape the universe to its benefit, even if it takes a trillion trillion years to do so. Then they can use all that energy/mass and time to learn to understand the cosmos and maybe built machines that will enable to escape into a basement universi or built reversible computing machines so that they can experience infinity. At worst, if there is no hope for eternity, then they can atleast use that energy to endure the next 10'100 or 10'1500 years until all is gone.

>> No.12370228 [View]
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>> No.12231054 [View]
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>I don't want a universe full of computronium.
Why not? We should optimize the universe for consciousness.

>> No.12128625 [View]
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>How about this?
It would be the first step, of course you will use a robot/computer body and not a jar to hold you. Then I hope that we use the moravec mind transfer to gradually replace all one`s neurons over a year with nanomachines until your entire brain is cybernetic. You will still be a analog being though, but the mind shift method might a solution to become a digital being. Your mind grows into your exoself until all your mind process mostly occur outside your head and once you have outsourced enough of your critical thinking process in digital form you gradually can delete your analog brain until even the last vestiges of physical life has been overcome. Such process can take decades, need vast amount of ressources, autosentience and you will change fundamentally.
>Is that the future that you want?
I want to a megacivilization that searches all possibilties, explores all inner and outer spaces and tries to understand all.
>Value your humanity
The phenomenon of man is unique. After a billion years, blind evolution has brought forth the first animal capable of rational inquiry. In us, the universe has finally developed the ability to look back upon itself and transcend the limits of randomness. From this point onward, the fate of the universe will not be a matter of chance, but of conscious choice.

>> No.12078351 [View]
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The theory is that life arose as a entropic process. But hyper advanced civilization will act in negentropic manner like dismantling giant suns, uniting supercluster into one hyper-galaxy and maybe discover methods of reversing entropy, all to lengthen the lifespan in which civilizations can exist.

>> No.11530177 [View]
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>> No.11282895 [View]
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>For what?

>> No.11228089 [View]
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>What is the endgame of human evolution or life's evolution for that matter?
Evolution knows no goal, its is merely adaptation via selection. Personally I can see that humanity will become a immortal posthuman race within a thousand years. After that we will colonize the local supercluster and concentrate all avaible energy within a billion ly to one massive galaxy, built to endure the Deep Time. If metric engineering is viable this will be the next step of our transformation into beings that can survive everything.

>> No.11213311 [View]
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We already seeing the first steps into our posthuman future; genetic engineering, cybernetics, nanomachines and artificial intelligence will transform mankind into a immortal machine race. Autosentient superintelligences that can think at the speed of light is merely the first step to our K4 megacivilization, from human earth to transhuman space to posthuman stars to unknown greatness.

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