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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15768985 [View]
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>The obvious irony here is of course if such an AI is possible then you never had "free-will" to begin with.
It's not hard to predict dehumanized cattle conditioned into reactivity/passivity and stuck in a carefully controlled sandbox. Even if this AI fantasy comes true it won't prove anything except for the fact that technocattle isn't human.

>> No.15768434 [View]
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>I am capable of creating an environment where I am protected against such things
No, you aren't. Various regimes have been throwing the likes of you under the bus on a whim all throughout human history. You are nothing.

>> No.15750449 [View]
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>Why can't we promote the increase of meaning in people's lives through psy-ops? What's so wrong about that seriously.
Nothing "wrong" with it. There's just no "we" in this, unless by "we" you mean yourself and the people you're complaining about in the first place, who are now in the same category as far as everyone else is concerned, meaning you should be killed brutally just like the other social engineers you supposedly oppose.

>> No.15748222 [View]
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>Oral doses for trannies are like 800 mg
This is how golems actually reason.

>> No.15746769 [View]
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>science becomes meaningless if we can't assume some degree of determinism. Really all activity loses meaning without it
Proof? What's a "degree of determinism", anyway?

>> No.15741373 [View]
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>serious answer? we share the same laws of physics so it's likely apes have high probability to be the smartest in most planets.
>the probability of advanced alien life is ~1 because there are trillions of systems but it's unlikely to ever reach them.

>> No.15739686 [DELETED]  [View]
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>IQ tests. Its fundamentally impossible for someone of lower intelligence to create a test that accurately estimates the intelligence of someone of high intelligence.
>You can only measure how stupid someone is, not how smart

>> No.15733443 [View]
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>Corn syrup is literally food. It’s biological
Why are these so many obviously inferior retards on this board? Is this psychological warfare against 4chan?

>> No.15732354 [View]
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Yes, all those people with their own high-tech labs. All funded with Patreon donations, I assume. Just off yourself.

>> No.15726146 [View]
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>In the middle ages, we also used to have a population collapse and it improved life for most people.

>> No.15720943 [View]
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>look into the Flynn effect
The Flynn effect only serves to refute your soi ideology, since niggers are still stuck at ~85. lol

>> No.15718637 [View]
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>What's even the worst thing Epstein was proven to have done?
>proven to have done?
I guess you can't prove anything when he's, you gigavaxxed cattlehead.

>> No.15715750 [View]
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>perhaps we can look at things like the UN or the EU or NATO as a placeholder or a stopgap measure on the path to true trust building

>> No.15698837 [DELETED]  [View]
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>the mandates and restrictions were permanently lifted
How did they manage to produce a population of cattle THIS fucking stupid? Is there something in the water that makes people like this?

>> No.15698571 [DELETED]  [View]
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>What is causing all these wildfires?
Summer and government/corporate operatives starting fires.

>> No.15676249 [View]
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>valid counterpoint to someone elses arguments
What "argument" did you make besides spouting some schizophrenic hallucination about all these people on 4chan who passionate hate le heckin' ayyyylyums?

>> No.15665640 [View]
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>Why are you pseuds not talking about real world implementable AI?
Because no one really cares about how ML can automate your goyslop economy. Kill yourself.

>> No.15078476 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Republicans trust science less than democrats, so you're more likely to find democrats in science rather than republicans

>> No.15066190 [View]
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>Artificial Intelligence major
Same level as a communications degree. There is nothing you know or can do that a 15 years old with a passing knowledge of Python can't do equally well. "Artificial intelligence" is not a real field.

>> No.15048363 [View]
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Daily reminder that the people currently destroying humanity and the people shilling for "AI safety" are the same people, which is a big clue to the documented fact that "AI safety" is code for "AI monopolization".

>> No.14853961 [View]
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You don't need to "believe" any axioms, retard. You just assume them under a given context and explore the implications. Sometimes you get useful results out of it... you know, like calculus.

>> No.14810549 [DELETED]  [View]
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>uhhh but you used the world "productively"
So what? You know, pretty much the only reason I keep posting ITT is to trigger reactions from clinical retards like you. You're doing a good job illustrating what kind of people believe in this retarded intelligence=>depression trope.

>> No.14799465 [View]
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>computation is NOT REAL and therefore can not be substrate independent.
Computation can be substrate independent because it's not real. Why are you such a low-IQ schizo?

>> No.14732128 [View]
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>it’s a riddle intentionally ambiguous enough to leave two valid answers

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