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>> No.15397903 [View]
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>Industrial societies
Veganism is the ultimate expression of the worst elements of industrial society. You are displacing trillions of ha of wildlife and ecosystems to grow monocultures which then gets turned into disgusting processed goyslop imitating real food.

Wrong. Humans evolved to be hypercarnivores, every paper on the topic published in the last 5 years has concluded this. This is now proven beyond all doubt. Our natural state is to hunt. Humans who have never hunted remain amoral, apathetic, evil mental infants. Out of touch with nature and ungrateful for their existence. The ideal world population would be much lower with farmland rewilded and humans forced to hunt for their food again. Either way you DO replace wildlife, your existence kills other animals and your cope does not absolve you of this reality. Putting yourself on a vegan diet makes that even worse because now you are not even living life meaningfully and appreciating your existence while killing off even more wildlife ecosystems. Vegans are NPC mouthbreathers who are making the impact of humans on the planet so much worse than it has to be. The religion exists for people who are not doing anything meaningful with their lives and find the worst way possible to cope with that fact.


>> No.15161869 [View]
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No it doesn't you fucking double digit IQ mouthbreathing lowwit. Pasturelands are much healthier than croplands for biodiversity, but most of the cattlefeed is from croplands anyway. What you are actually supporting is lobby groups that want to use leftover crop biomass for cheap biodiesel instead of cattlefeed. If we do that, and use the calories for biodiesel, we will need to massively expand cropland in the last few fertile forestlands we have left. Here's a video for low attentionspan zoomies:


Of course, both of these are wrong. The actual optimal is a return to more pure wildlands rich in antelope and berries. With carnivores to control the population naturally. People should hunt for their food occasionally and know that their existence comes at a great cost. Maybe then they would stop pissing the opportunity of life away. Vegans should butcher all the animals, cut down the forest and natural habitats, personally incenerate every last bird and insect for several hectares to see how much needs to be destroyed to support their stupid fucking monoculture foods.

The most evil and selfish people in this picture are objective vegans. Their selfish lifestyle is the least compatible with how pre-mordern humans fit into the ecosystem naturally and sustainably.

>> No.15136910 [View]
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It's always been a corrupt lie. They used to shill grains heavily in the mid 1900s, the cereal lobby group fucked up an entire generation by tricking parents into stuffing their kids full of simple carbs every morning. The new anti-meat agenda is funded by the biodiesel lobby that wants to make feedstock cheaper (basically they want the leftover plant material from monoculture crops or outright grazeland grass balls to be cheaper, but they are coping hard it will never be profitable without massive subsidies).

Meat is the only food with proper nutrients, our ancestors didn't develop brains properly until we switched to a 100% meat diet. Grains might have energy, but it doesn't have micronutrients. Green plants are a good fibre and phytochemical source, but have neither macro nor micro nutrients worth mentioning.

Let the brainlets eat sugar goyslop shit and get even dumber, but don't fall for it yourself.

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