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>> No.7927970 [View]
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Get Help.

>> No.7579623 [View]
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i think your calc 1 class starts soon BRO!
i'm a 4th year maths major. kek

>> No.7551551 [View]
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out of the top 20 universities in the world, 11 are in the USA. Take notes.

>> No.7540735 [View]
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tbh gtfo rn thx

>> No.7537405 [View]
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see >>7537391

everyone ITT is sort of misunderstanding the OP because OP didn't really explain what that quote was from.

it's from Richard Hamming giving his famous talk on shit he wish he knew throughout his life, shit he observed while working at Bell Labs/Los Alamos National Lab, and his personal life experiences. He was like 80 years old or some shit and this was for post-graduate students and industry conferences. The actual quote is in reference to guys in the various departments at Bell Labs back in the 40's, 50's and 60's that weren't doing anything really too useful to the company and how you should strive to be a great person yadda yadda, how all of the best people would leave after getting awards and move onto greater things etc.. He was smart as fucking all hell.

>> No.7534181 [View]
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.9mm pentel sharp automatic or twist-erase III

>> No.7529104 [View]
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Ah, the same old dumbass argument about not going to college because muh debt.

1. Scholarships - If you were intelligent, you wouldn't even argue over debt because you wouldn't have any as you'd be intelligent enough to earn scholarships

2. Credibility & Reliability - Nobody will hire you.

3. Legality - Many fields require professional licenses that you are not permitted to even test for without a college degree.

A college degree is a benchmark for a post-secondary education, and actually asking if not going to school is a smart idea is reason enough to discard whatever you're about to say afterwards. The people that shill not going to college could be doing so for many reasons. It could be due to insecurities that they have stemming from whatever strange things they have personally gone through or that they legitimately feel that university is not worth the cost, which would only be their fault and is not applicable to anyone other than themselves. The people that shill against university are shilling for a society of unreliable, self-taught randoms.

We have the system for a reason. You're not going to make the entire system come crashing down from a stupid post on an image board. Your fantasy will not come true and whatever reasoning you have for conjuring it up is entirely your fault, is not applicable to anyone else, and pushing it onto other people is degenerative.

>> No.7526613 [View]
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hopefully he dies since he hasn't been taught such things so we don't have to worry about another parasite that makes excuses for such simple concern.

>> No.7524354 [View]
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>OP that is crying that he just got "solid advice" and doesn't like what he's reading

>> No.7512557 [View]
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You're a faggot.
Prove me wrong.

This thread only supports it.

>> No.7512420 [View]
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>I'm a fourth year chemistry student and I'm regretting choosing this major.
lmao you literally picked one of the worst stem majors for jobs.

i wish you well, because you're going to grad school, OP.

>haha nice joke anon but rea-

I'm not joking. Go to graduate school or you will never work in STEM with a bachelors in chemistry.

>> No.7512343 [View]
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Is there any point in making this retarded thread other than to be an annoying fuck?

>> No.7512048 [View]
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It is just our culture. Men used to get extremely turned on by a girl wearing even knee-length shorts or a woman in a blouse.

If you took regular men from maybe two hundred years ago and let them walk around an typical college campus where every other girl is a whore wearing short-shorts, sandals, tank top etc.. they would fucking start raping.

It's just normal for us at this point, but feet still aren't because they're always covered with socks and shoes since everyone can afford those things now in modern times.

I'm sure there is some biological bullshit with it about how we want girls with soles like this and toes that look like that but for the foot fetish thing, it's just our culture. There is also the thing about how girls will clean their feet and make them smooth and like they don't even work or walk around on them, which is the same as why people are turned on by pale people, because they don't work outside in the hot sun etc etc etc.. women with very clean feet/smooth soles must not do any work and are therefore more prized or some shit

it's all just negligible shit.

>> No.7509475 [View]
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oh my god who talks about shit like this?

like i would never hang out with someone that talked about a major like it's a "meme" what in the fuck does that even mean you generic twat?

>Is there a bigger memedegree than engineering?
yeah m8 your moms fat fucking ass is a bigger memedegree

>I honestly don't know why someone would go into it rather than chemistry...
that's because you "honestly" have an IQ of 12 and post retarded threads like this

there. your amazingly thought-provoking questions are now answered.

So is everyone in engineering now supposed to go "oh this guy on the internet shilled how it's a "memedegree" so we shouldn't do it anymore because." and then we have a shortage of engineers sooner or later since it's such a "memedegree".

People go into electrical engineering(and make it to the end) because they're actually interested in electrical engineering and want to be involved in the field - like every other swinging dick in university that picks their major for the right reasons

holy shit people like you IRL are fucking retarded

Fuck you people.

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