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>> No.4360315 [View]
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You know the way you feel when you hear about two tiny neighboring tribes in Africa that are functionally identical nonetheless waging genocidal war against one another rather than unifying with the larger population of their continent towards greater shared goals?

That's how I feel about your racism. It's the same silly primitive provincialism. It isn't a civilized trait but the trait of someone not yet civilized enough. Tribalism on a national scale is only marginally more advanced than tribalism on a regional scale, and the abandonment of tribalism altogether for a unified planetary civilization capable of leveraging Earth's combined resources towards the colonization of other planets is what multiculturalism represents. But you would destroy it, because the mannerisms of the least educated blacks annoy you.

Yes, multiculturalism produces a less orderly society with more crime. It isn't supposed to increase order or eliminate crime. It's supposed to facilitate, as completely as possible, the unification of the different peoples' of the world into a functional whole. It's supposed to make it possible for very different people to live together peacefully. That will always create friction, different races will always have members who are unhappy with that arrangement because they cannot stand the habits and appearance of other races, but so long as it doesn't come to war, it's achieved its only goal.

We all live here, we need to get along without murdering each other and cooperate towards larger goals. That's more important than your emotional need to live only around people who look and act like you. Pic related; as you see blacks below you, we see you below us for the same reasons. Evolve, will you?

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