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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7601724 [View]
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>> No.6721232 [View]
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You could at least warn a guy before dropping a bomb. So basically Im fucked?

>> No.6695410 [View]
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>literally just opened my eyes

>> No.6519293 [View]
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Ok first time on this board ever. I really need help completing my science in order to graduate. The deadline is this week, and I'm so close to being done with school. I have finished all my other work but I am struggling with Science. Can anyone skype with me and help me finish out my work? (cheat) Its Earth and Space science. I know what you're probably going to say but it would mean the world to me if anyone can help me, I've already let my folks down being held back once and I can't bear to do it to them again.

>> No.6238081 [View]
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>sees another thread ruined by VSG's usual blatant fossil fuel shilling and unsubstantiated, paranoid, dystopian predictions
>people replying to him instead of filtering him

>> No.5855166 [View]
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>Consciousness occurs on the quantum level

>> No.5325338 [View]
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Why is it psychologically necessary for human beings to be moral or ethical in their treatment of each other and their environment /sci/? I think adhering to them is ridiculous.

>> No.4654235 [View]
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I hate it when stuff like this gets posted here.

Everything starts off fine. I'm able to ignore most of the symptoms just because they're broad or generic.

But then specific cases like:
>difficulty with writing, drawing, and tying shoelaces
are in there. And then I remember that these were all symptoms I had to be tested on as a kid. And I failed every one. I didn't perform well.

The only thing that stops me from thinking that this is a real "disorder" and not just a personality type is that even after extensive testing, I was never confirmed for Asperger's. However, I was confirmed for ADHD, so that might explain a lot.

>> No.4646021 [View]
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Got into a fight with my roommates, totally forgot I had an Physics exam on Wednesday. Missed it entirely.

I talked to my psychologist/psychiatrist at the student health center and explained the situation to them. I've been seeing them for a combination of ADHD and "bad living situation".

They wrote a note for me requesting that my instructor make special considerations for me. It was approved, and I'm now able to take the make-up exam next tuesday.

I feel dirty now. Like I need to take a shower...

>> No.4638090 [View]
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Okay, so here I am, 18, last day of high school.
I'm kind of a loser, so I'm all by myself.
Driving back from from school, I found this woman in a white dress waving at me.
She signals me to stop, so I pull over and roll down my window.

Next thing I know, she's going nuts over her missing dog. I'm talking "hysterical" here.
"His name's hercules, he's big and white. Please keep an eye out for him."

I'm like, "Yeah, okay lady. Sure!" and drove off.
Half-way home, though, I stop and think to myself,
"What have I done for anyone else lately?"
I pull a U-turn and drive back, hoping she was still there.
I tell her and her friends I'll search the neighborhood for him.

15 minutes later, I come back and find out where he was.
He was under their bed. Sleeping. Never even left the house.
They all tell me how thankful they are anyway, and invite me indoors.

I end up going inside, and it turns out they're all 25.
They'd just got back from a winery and they were drunk.
Hence all the hysterics.

They offer me some wine, and I think "It'd be a real shame if I didn't drink on my last day of school".
I joined them and had a few glasses

>> No.4620429 [View]
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Look, can you please just leave already?

No one on /sci/ plays the lottery. None of us support the lottery. We all recognize it for the horrible business it is.

Your tactics aren't working here. You're just going to make a name for yourself as an annoying douche that no one takes seriously. Just go to /pol/ or something.

>> No.4610474 [View]
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This board gets shitier by the day

>> No.4594420 [View]
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Don't spend hundreds of dollars buying textbooks that you'll use once or twice then never touch again. Steal them from the webz or check the library.

>> No.4442126 [View]
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You ruined the fun.

>> No.4391651 [View]
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Google Calc would be my guess.

>> No.4378697 [View]
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Just googled it.
Darn. This type of brain teasers make me feel dumb

>> No.4178738 [View]
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Alright, /sci/ bros, I'll be honest. My gpa has dropped below 2.0 this past semester and I've been placed under academic probation for that reason. I have not been denied from taking classes next semester, but I do have to meet with a counselor before doing so.

My excuse for my piss-poor grades has been depression for the past year or so, not lack of interest in major. I really do want to be an ME with all the fillings out of my balls but because of my depression I haven't been able to apply myself as I should. My question to you guys is; Is it too late for me, or can still make something out of this mess? I really don't wanna end up flipping burgers for the rest of my life, bros. Help me out.

>> No.3356837 [View]
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Nothing new, sadly, fatass politicians are always stimying scientific advancement. Politics thrives on stasis.

But, of course, as soon as the wars start up, it's "Oh please, Dr. Wonderful, build our superweapons".

>> No.3024877 [View]
File: 34 KB, 493x402, 1298285744015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anychance anyone can find me this? thanks bros

Espadaler, X. (1994). Stimulus integration in Tenebrio larvae: an easy laboratory study (or how to show Euclidean larvae). Journal of Biological Education 28:130-134

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