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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16171807 [View]
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no it's not


>> No.14753502 [View]
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Welp, wasted an entire day that I could have spent doing something worthwhile going through the ball/string problem via Lagrangian mechanics.

tl;dr - yes, for the specific problem of a point mass wrapping round an immovable rod, angular momentum is 'lost' and angular kinetic energy is conserved. the caveat, of course is that (as >>14752977 points out), by imposing the condition that the rod be immovable, you are essentially just giving it infinite inertia. If you do the same process, but allow the ball and rod to move about some center of mass as the ball wraps around it, no surprise - their total angular momentum is conserved.

This is the kind of conspiracyposting I hate the most - the kind that takes advantage of a technicality or a misleading example and then runs buck wild with it, claiming they've "blown the lid off the whole _____ coverup" or whatever while ignoring the 438 asterisks attached to it.

Also, this problem's a fucking whore to work out analytically - I should give it to my Mechanics students this semester just to be a massive piece of shit.

>> No.12797534 [View]
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>yfw Farenheit's original scale where 32 was the water triple point and 96 was human body temp, never caught on
It could have been great. All you'd need is a warm body and a glass of ice water and you could calibrate any analog scale and quickly divide it into 2^6 even delineations. BP of water would have been 205, Absolute Zero would have been -440.

But no, he had to go and ruin it copying everyone's stupid obsession with brine.

>> No.12510140 [View]
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>Of all the words of tongue and pen
>The saddest are these: '/pol/ was right again'

>> No.11889458 [View]
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Nevermind the complete retardation of his tweeting logic, what the fuck does "for the last 1/100th time" even mean? Why the fuck would use that in a sentence, what basis is it useful for?!

>> No.9892496 [View]
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Any other math people fine with stuff like analysis and algebra but completely retarded when it comes to probability theory and higher level stats?

>> No.9124132 [View]
File: 5 KB, 601x695, for real tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be immortal
>Memory isn't infinite
>Can't remember childhood
>No idea when you were even born or what sort of life you've lived throughout eternity
>How many times have you moved, changed your name, changed careers
>Maybe you've taken up a hobby or area of study and you're really into it, but is it the first time you've been really into this thing? If not then what meaning does it have getting into it now if a few centuries from now you won't even remember.

>> No.7631625 [View]
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Well, for starters, teach it that it exists.

>inb4 solipsism
>inb4 the ontological impossibility of validating subjectivity through empirical means
>inb4 u can not kno nuffin
>inb4 you call me a faggot

>> No.7442853 [View]
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i want to take a course in computer science but im not sure if its for me, is there any place on the internet where i can get better background information on it? it's been many a year since i've done anything beyond basic mathematics as i haven't really had the need for it so i'm looking for something a bit more straight-forward if possible

>> No.7393571 [View]
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What do these people think is on the other side of the disk? What about the edge of the disk? How would a disk like that even form? What about gravity? How does the sun work in that model? How do galaxies work?

Wow this is new to me

>> No.7271234 [View]
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>go to grad school for physics
>have a rough but relatively solid year
>3 Bs and a C
>get notice from school over winter break that I'm on probation
>work my ass off all spring to get grades up
>3 Bs, GPA pulled up to almost a 2.9
>figure I'll pull it up the rest of the way over the summer
>first day of summer classes
>get email from university that i'm now on academic suspension and that all my aid is being pulled
Well, that was a nice dream I had.

>> No.6363532 [View]
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>mfw imagining how much more Tesla could have achieved if he hadn't been such a stubborn cock when it came to relativity and quantum mechanics
Seriously... imagine where we'd be today if Tesla had invented the transistor in the 1900s instead of Bell Labs in the 1940s

But noooo, 'quantum mechanics is just a fad', 'relativity is retarded lol', goddammit Nikola.

>> No.6165402 [View]
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1371216101354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

Well, looking back at an old lecture I found something.

n = haploid number

2n = diploid

Our somatic cells have 23 pairs of unique chromosomes per cell.

Chromosome 1's pair of chromosomes are each unique by themselves but it's relatively the same chromosome and is considered as such.

Therefore, I think it makes sense that you would have to duplicate BOTH copies of the homologous chromosomes in pair 1 to maintain a genome that has two pairs of chromosomes with various alleles for the same genes.

So, you would have two "I" chromosomes for chromosome 1 in a somatic cell preduplication, and each would be duplicated to form an "X".

Sister chromatids are EXACTLY the same (assuming no errors and ignoring chromosome multi-A tails).

Therefore, each of the "I" chromosomes of chromosome 1 in a diploid cell would be duplicated into X chromosomes made up of the original chromosome and its sister chromatid.

So, in mitosis, you would have 46 "X" chromosomes after S-phase and each would line up like so on the metaphase plate:


That sound right? Please confirm or deny this so I can get some peace of mind. Thank you for the replies so far too.

>> No.5802551 [View]
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My summer research isn't going so well.

The building my professor's lab is in is right next to the river and we've spent most of this last week moving whatever equipment we can out of the building since it's expected to flood in the next week or so. There's still a lot of heavy equipment we're not going to be able to move out.

Basically, our research is on hiatus until the river starts going down... and if it floods, well I guess I'm going to have to start looking for a new field.

>> No.5652791 [View]
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>See QED
>Read it as 'Quod Erat Demonstrandum'

I've been doing to many proofs lately.

>> No.5512253 [View]
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Not everybody, and /b/ is still worse. You may think its not as bad but fucking trust me, it is. Go back there whenever you think that the other boards are abysmal.

I will admit this board can be worse than /v/ from time to time though

>> No.5245610 [View]
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How pissed do you think scientists would be if I called them up and asked them questions about science. If I had looked all over the internet and could not find them?

I don't want to be condescended.

>> No.5173860 [View]
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1312383542045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no motivation
It`s not a good feeling.

>> No.4999442 [View]
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RIP Mr. Armstrong.

Pic related, it is my face and soul when.

>> No.4584197 [View]
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1329060822631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never believed the whole alien thing. But I believed in there was something more to our minds and our social interactions with nature and other human beings. Such as though having frequencies. Am I wrong about this?

>> No.4568222 [View]
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is the only computational devices on internet?
any software that might work as it?

>> No.3971097 [View]
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/sci/, I come to you for some advice, I am unsure of what I want to study at uni, I know its something in science.

I am not sure If I want to go into astrophysics, or marine bio, Ive alway been fascinated with space and the ocean since I was a little kid. Which one has more career oppurtonities? which one pays better money? and which one is more interesting, or is that a matter of opinion?

>> No.3909282 [View]
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1318714167241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with unpleasant classes' subjects?

I'm struggling to start reading some of the books for an exam, but I keep stopping after 5 minutes.

Any tips?

>> No.3659648 [View]
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Why does light travel so slow?

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