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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10945408 [View]
File: 888 KB, 1563x1298, Acetone_seed_freeze_precipitate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank (You)

Most are focused on maintaining their GPA for romance or "my body belongs to science" (until Chad walks by that is). Stick with Kurisu as a /sci/ waifu or whatever waifu you choose. 2D>3D unless you really want to sacrifice everything (money, time, body, and sanity) for a real woman. But by all means, listen to your heart (Hear that beating sound? That's your heart telling you to beat your meat over a woman!).

Another minor update:
Pic related is the Acetone LSA seed pull filtrate with more seeds tossed in after it was left for two days in the fridge on coldest setting. White precipitate is caked where the Acetone layer is, I assume this is either the LSA or the Amygdalin. Under UV blacklight, the precipitate faintly glows blue but I could be interpreting it wrong. The yellow-clear Acetone liquid layer also glows more intensely green/yellow under UV blacklight. I may try to pour off the Acetone to evap in a flat glass pan and scrape the white precipitate (could be ice for all I know) away to dry on a separate dish and see what is looks like if I dissolve it in distilled water under UV blacklight. At this point it's ruined anyway since a fucking fly decided to land on the evap dish for this experiment. I guess the reason it didn't fly away when I went to grab it off the table is because it spat acid on it and tried to consume the raw evaporated Acetone extract with Amygdalin impurities (since I finely powderized instead of medium ground the seeds and decided to stir before decanting). I forgot to cover it, sadly. It must have flopped over intoxicated or poisoned even for that tiny amount. Since I was working with low light conditions and it was tiny, I didn't see the little shit. After I poured Acetone on it and started mixing it around, I noticed it. I removed its solvent covered body. Absolutely disgusting. I don't think I care to fuck with it. Now I understand why Walter was so adamant and persistent to remove 1 fly.

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