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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14871199 [View]
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If you actually are rational instead of psuedo-rational, you have to account for human irrationality and ignorance.

Yes, it would absolutely be better if everybody gained a basic degree of scientific literacy, researched publicly available sources, and came to their own conclusions independently. But that simply isn't going to happen. The majority of people will base their worldview on thirty second soundbites that they absorb from cable news, social media, or second hand. This will not change regardless of how much you want it to.

There are 24 hours in a day, nobody has time to be an expert in everything. When you step into an elevator, you don't inspect the elevator yourself, you just trust that somebody else did. Similarly, modern societies rely on specialists to research and understand issues on behalf of the individual. Rejecting this reality is juvenile and pointless, it will continue to exist whether you want it to or not. A mature approach involves managing the principal-agent problems that come from having society rely on scientific experts.

Of course, you dumbasses probably don't even know what a principal-agent problem is.

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