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>> No.14507594 [DELETED]  [View]
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OP, I thought this too for a long time, but actually it's not the case and there is hard evidence that something fucky is happening with QM. What you are suggesting is called a "local hidden variables" theory, and all such theories have been mathematically disproved by Bells Theorem. I suggest you go read about it since the math involved is actually not that complex. The problem is that pop science content regarding QM usually glosses over this important point and just says "The values were the same even though they didn't communicate! Waow!" and expects their subhuman low IQ audience to take such statements at face value without making the logical assumption as you are that something more simple is happening behind the scenes. What it basically boils down to is that the probabilities you would expect don't match up. Imagine you do the experiment you described many times and you're sure that the probability of left vs. right was 50-50 but your pals report 60% left 40% right. You'd have to assume something weird is going on, which is the case with QM. That example is a bit more simple than what happens with Bells Theorem, but not by much.

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