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>> No.11481979 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a similar universe under S-duality

>> No.11470669 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, C04533E2-813E-4B5D-A333-F5867BD58E2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bro, i almost missed it! Happy Pi Day! Things will improve and we’ll be on the upswing soon.

pic unrelated

>> No.11403674 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up string gas cosmology

it is a speculative theory, sure, but it is based on our best understanding of quantum gravity and goes beyond that to explain things like why we have 3 spatial dimensions in a logical way. it is the true path to understanding cosmology.

brandenberger is smarter than every anon here so fuck off with your objections

>> No.11337814 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody else think string gas cosmology is pretty awesome? Brandenberger is pretty smart and his theory gets like absolutely no publicity even though his review papers inevitably show that it is as good a model as the standard boring "muh singularity and then 6 of 11 dimensions compactified for no reason" crap

>> No.11045365 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, scientifically nobody believes in supernatural stuff, so the first mover thing would have to be something natural and you know, like, scientific? here's an example

nobody says things are solved, nobody even says string theory is fully understood. it's just that if you study high energy physics, string theory is almost uncanny in how it sort of was discovered by accident in the context of pion/meson physics but as it developed it started explaining a lot more stuff sort of just by virtue of its math -- it explained gravity by accident and then it turned out to make excellent use of supersymmetry (which existed before) and absorbed grand unified theories (which existed before) and lots of other nice stuff in physics, while also giving rise to a lot of awesome math.... i mean, sure it could be a coincidence, or maybe it turns out there is some uber-theory-of-everything that explains why string theory got lucky with all that, sure.

>> No.10944973 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, 4BDB50E6-BE97-4156-AD7F-976F3C29D0B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does straw man come from whatever i dislike?

>> No.10932753 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, 6D91A900-34D8-4E7A-99E4-EE07EE8F3D67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10874809 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the hyperbolic thing is not the main punchline, the bigger punchline to the post is about the scale factor going to 0.... an infinite real number line can be condensed in a way such that at t=0 the distance between any two points is zero but at any other time you can find points that are arbitrarily far away from one another (i.e. the "space" is infinite)

anyhow i am totally open to pre-big bang cosmology, pic related. even if there was a time in the past where everything had a zero distance to everything else but immediately before and after that the universe was infinite, that still does not preclude some existence leading to that moment, pic related

so now that i have cited string gas cosmology, the idea there wouldn't even imply that space had 0 size at one time in the past. it would imply, rather, that spacetime, and emergent concept in string theory, broke down for some period near what we think is the big bang, and string theory took over where space and time are not even as fundamental, and then space and time reemerged as we know them now following some stringy thing happening during that breakdown period

>> No.10842183 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, stop making shit up. what you say about the "quantum foam" is completely wrong. that's basically a meme term, but probably the closest thing that actually is a thing in physics are quantum fields. but standard cosmology says that quantum fields live in a spacetime, not the other way around. if you actually have a citation for this, we can discuss it, but i'm pretty sure you're just making shit up

anyhow as i remind people in these threads all the time, there is a kind of cosmology that is actively pursued and alive and well in the theoretical physics community that can explain what happened before the big bang: string gas cosmology. string gas cosmology admits big-bounce and cyclical cosmological models. pic related

>> No.10828580 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: string gas cosmology, a viable alternative to standard cosmology alive and well within mainstream academic physics, is amenable to resolutions of the big bang singularity problem, via cyclic models

>> No.10786519 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, 9106DE42-272C-4F3B-97EA-A60FE0E7C635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake quote

also string gas cosmology admits cyclic models, pic related

>> No.10755288 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder, string gas cosmology is alive and well in the cosmological community, and it admits cyclic models that make your argument moot

>> No.10748727 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, 9E51992C-59C0-4A57-9B9C-D10935101A2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another reminder that string gas cosmology is alive and well, and cyclic models are totally plausible, which means one could resolve this never ending godfag crap by having the universe be eternal

>> No.10742420 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. never heard of cyclic string gas cosmology

what i hate about anti-science philosofags and godtards and newage cunts is that they don't even look into whether science actually says what they think science says.

>> No.10718628 [View]
File: 486 KB, 878x1344, string-gas-bounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of retarded assignment is that. schoolteachers are so idiotic

string gas cosmology, pic related
sauce: https://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/9806111.pdf
the classic paper: sci-hub tw/https://doi.org/10.1016/0550-3213(89)90037-0

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