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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5425254 [View]
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Can you become a great theoretical physicist without performing recreational mathematics in your spare time through your youth?

Theoretical Physics is my area of study, but I can't help thinking that if I were really meant to be a physicist, I wouldn't be on 4chan right now, I'd be learning maths for fun. I enjoy learning maths, but I don't go out of my way to do it. I need the syllabus to prompt me to go out and learn about it.

Hawking managed it with little work during his undergrad years, but then he was born a genius. I was not.

>> No.5113914 [DELETED]  [View]
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Did Hawking die?

>> No.4908355 [DELETED]  [View]
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My understanding is that Hawking radiation is a theory used to explain how black holes conserve energy. For example, we think blackholes grow in size as they consume matter. Any particle that enters the Schwarzchild radius (SR) of a blackhole is absorbed. QM purposes that virtual particles in the quantum field 'pop' in and out of existence all the time, but that they come in particle/anti-particle pairs that quickly annihilate one another, thus conserving energy and momentum in the universe. Hawking used this notion to theorize that virtual pairs that happen to 'pop' into existence on the event horizon (SR), are split up and do not annihilate eachother as they usually do. One particle 'falls' into the black hole, while the other escapes and appears as Hawking Radiation. Since the black hole grows fractionally by swallowing one particle, and since the other particle in the pair is emitted as radiation, energy and momentum are conserved.
Is this correct, or have I made a mistake?

>> No.4345112 [View]
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My love for you makes me tremble

>> No.4230894 [View]
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The old man deserves a thread.

Happy Birthday.

>> No.4180876 [View]
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>Stephen Hawking had been watching a History Channel program about the Mayan prediction that the world would end in 2012 when he became irate.

>“We are all going to die?” he allegedly said. “Get me a gun. … I’m ready to die. … I’m gonna kill myself? We are all gonna die.”

>A fight ensued, during which Hawking grabbed the 8-inch bread knife from the butcher’s block and stabbed his mother, the detective told the court. Hawking is alleged to have stabbed his mother several times while 'running' around the house until he was tackled by another person in the home.


>> No.2808169 [View]
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If hawking is so smart and shit, how come he never won a nobel prize?

>> No.2808164 [View]
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If hawking is so smart how come he never wont a nobel prize?

>> No.2243019 [View]
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Hey /sci/ I just had a conversation with someone I know who isn't the brightest of people. No words can describe how stupid the conversation was but I shall post it. I'm not big on Physics, I study Biology but this did piss me off.

tl;dr He believes Stephen Hawkings is an idiot and has no real achievements.

A random bit first, after he asked what a transsexual was. He couldn't comprehend what they were, which lead me to believe he was sheltered. This is part way through the conversation:

superexcitingguy 00:21
can they make a girl pregnant if they want to ?

Keira Ruki 00:22
Yep. Are you religious at all?

superexcitingguy 00:23

Keira Ruki 00:24
Were your parents?

superexcitingguy 00:24
i m in maine

Keira Ruki 00:25
You need to reread my previous question

superexcitingguy 00:27
mom no, dad a little

Keira Ruki 00:28
Did your school go deeply into Science?

superexcitingguy 00:28
i know a lot of science
except sex science

(This was followed by me linking him some books. "The Greatest Show on Earth" and "A Brief History of Time" He'd previously confessed on a different day to wanting to know more about Science.)

superexcitingguy 00:41
sorry i dont like that guy

Keira Ruki 00:42
Which one?

superexcitingguy 00:42
the handicapped author

Keira Ruki 00:42
Why not?

superexcitingguy 00:43
he is a fuckin loser who lost his mind after he lost his body

>> No.2223547 [View]
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hawking isnt even in the top 100 physisists he just has good publicity

>> No.2204784 [View]
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>Don't mind me, just thinking back to the time I could walk

>> No.2070499 [View]
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Says who?

>> No.2061258 [View]
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One day, probably not too long from now, Christianity - and every other man-made faith, for that matter, will be left behind. Already, we watch on as faith becomes obsolete as we discover more and more about this amazing universe around us.

>> No.2049358 [View]
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How about I bump your shit.

>> No.1950266 [View]
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>I'm the physicist/astrophysicist

...and I'm Stephen Hawking.

>> No.1693643 [View]
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ITT, we facepalm at comments on yahoo news.

first up:
"sad to read that steven hawkins lack of common sense is obvious. God did create the universe. there is NO proof that the universe can 'will itself'. those whom have been proven intelligent have also been proven they lack common sense. take psych courses and read....steven please pray about what you think is reality, then you will be answered and surprised you are not right on this. of course when you pass this earthly experience you will then say 'ah duh i was wrong'.

>> No.1684440 [View]
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Nigger, just shut the fuck up before you make yourself look even more retarded.

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