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>> No.3550300 [View]
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The point is, the whole concept of relativistic mass is not fucking needed in any shape or form. All physics is simplier and neater, without such a fucking retarded concept.

A photon has mometum, momentum bends space-time. Hence a photon with mometum (all photons have mometum) fucking bends space-time. It is that fucking simple. All the talk of relativitic mass is not needed to explain anything. Rel. Mass is a fucking useless concept, which leads you to shitty and wrong conclusions (like only massive objects bend space-time).

>> No.3277632 [View]
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You do seem to understands the idea of "carrier", that is good. Yes, photons are the quanta (carriers) of the EM. Gluons are the carriers of Strong, W+Z are the carrier of weak.

However, THE HIGGS IS NOT THE FUCKING QUANTA OF MASS! It is not the mass particle in that sense. That is just fucking wrong. The higgs interaction and mechanism is alot more fucking complicated then that, and you actually need to know a good amount of Lagragian Mech and QFT to understand it.

I'd be more then happy to go through the basics.
Do you know what a Lagragian is?

>> No.2967535 [View]
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>What area of physics are you involved in?

Experimental Particle physics at the LHC

>Do you feel like you have somehow a fundamentally better understanding of the universe now because of it

Yes, of course

>are you just really good at "doing physics" ?

Yes, I would like to think so

>I don't know how to choose

Do what makes you happy. Most particle physicst have multiple degrees (often a math degrss in there somewhere).

I know plenty of physicst that participate in the mathematics community, write actual math papers (journal articles), and go to math conferences (just like mathematicans). It ends up being easier for a physicst do to math, then for a mathematican to do physics. Only becuase of resources. (not becuase of intellegnce, in general mathetican are a little smarter then physicsts)

To be a good physicst you usually need a lab/data, these are things that you will not get unless you are a physicst. While to be a good mathematican usually requires nothing more then your sheer intellect. You can do recreational mathematics, or even do it professionally (at the level of a university) with little, if no, resources. It is damm near impossible to do university level physics research recreationally.

If you are still doing undergrad though, just double major, like most smart people.

>> No.2176660 [View]
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Gremlins: If you can’t feed them “after midnight,” at what point during the day does it cease to be “after midnight” so you can feed them again?

How does the mogwai know what time zone it’s in? Suppose I get my mogwai in New York and then take a vacation to San Francisco — should I not feed my mogwai after midnight Eastern Time or Pacific Time? What about Daylight Saving Time? Considering the consequences, these details seem pretty important.

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