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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9331407 [View]
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>thread asking about pseudoscience
>immediately baited into MUH RACE bullshit by /pol/ kiddies
>270+ responses
/sci/.../sci/ never changes

>> No.9227768 [View]
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>the 2016 group
put a bunch of robots on interesting faraway rocks
NASA still does cool (and important) shit, it's just not as dramatic or sexy as moon landings. disengage your assburgers.

>> No.8907430 [View]
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>you just posted the exact thing I described I didn't want to see
The Blue Marble is literally a single image taken with an actual camera by a human being. It's not a composite; it is in fact exactly what you asked for.

>the earth looks different from different angles therefore it's fake
the only explanation for this level of stupidity is that you have taken the principle that a flat earth would always look about the same from high above its surface, and sort of projected that expectation onto the round earth.

>hurr how come the same thing looks different when photographed from different angles with different cameras under different lighting conditions?

>> No.8755878 [View]
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this is the kind of /sci/ discourse I want to see

>> No.8752951 [View]
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center left paleofag here
I feel you

>I want shareholders to be breathing down the neck of researchers so they actually have accountability.
this is a very good way to end all advancement within ten years.
literally the ONLY WAY we get new and better tech is by engaging in undirected research that doesn't lead to some guaranteed profit; we have to be able to actually experiment, pursue new ideas, without worrying that a new project not immediately panning out would be a career-killer. a lot of big firms understand this and let their researchers take those kinds of chances, because it does pay off big now and again.
>Hollywood vs. FCC

>fucking faggot biologist
enjoy not dying of cholera and polio

>takes nearly three minutes to write two sentences
go play with your Speak & Spell

>If the private sector won't venture into a something it says something about it's profitability.
confirmed brainlet.
sometimes it's not about profitability, but rather about risk, or even about getting the necessary resources together. our highway system is hugely profitable for the country as a whole, but it took government investment to put together because the risk was too high for any private firm to justify putting all those resources into it. (also the issue of trying to monetize highways.)
>defense and social security.
>He's winding back both of those. However it's a gradual process.
literally giving an extra $54 BILLION to the Pentagon that they didn't even ask for. how cucked are people who still like Trump, that they're so desperate to thing he's on their side that they just pretend he's doing what they want?
oh wait, delusional fantasies are nothing new for you /pol/acks.

>> No.8734095 [View]
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>thread about modernizing evolutionary theory in light of new discoveries
>immediately devolves into Lamarckian >>>/x/ fuckery


>> No.8724821 [View]
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moshi moshi, beito desu

>> No.8580844 [View]
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>we know nothing changed in the white community recently
ah, nothing funnier than the /pol/ack who is so certain it must be the fault of Teh Negros and Teh JEWZZZ that he doesn't need evidence.

here's an idea: if you think the murder victimization of blacks in the USA is "skyrocketing" based on a small uptick in overall murder rate (after 23 years of steady decline) why don't YOU post the statistics showing so? do your own homework.

>> No.8474412 [View]
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>at least he seems to actually be in touch with industry and real STEM professionals
Trump thinks that the energy industry is suffering due to overregulation, when it's actually because of overproduction. his solution to their current woes is to drill more...which would just make the overproduction problem worse.
he also wants to boost coal production and promote fracking, apparently ignorant of the fact that coal is on the decline precisely because of the natural gas boom caused by fracking.
he has literally no idea what he's talking about w/ regard to energy policy.
t. actual geoscientist

you have to go back >>>/pol/

>you're reacting to the political weather of the day, instead of the climate
temporally brief storm events can still be catastrophic to systems. a hurricane is weather, and so is a tornado.

holy shit, that guy is pathetic

>> No.8466881 [View]
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Being a full-time professor in a science is probably one of the most stressful careers I can think of
They also put in far more hours than what they're paid for
Fuck off bud

>> No.8425883 [View]
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>> No.8385504 [View]
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