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>> No.16111450 [View]
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Trump gun quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Herp Derp Donald Trump doesn't care about his reputation
>Donald Trump is such a team player, always putting Nation far ahead of ego
You are so sadly fucking mistaken, sweet summer child. Trump cares about nothing on earth, except money and reputation. If I had to describe the man in one word it'd be ID (psych term)

Remember pic related quote early in his Presidency? He didn't give a single shit about confiscating guns when he spoke it. He only spoke that timeless gaffe because some lefty insignificant npc group was insulting him online, triggering his typical internal paranoia, so he figured he must say something big in attempt to get these foes to worship "his reputation", so in his fragile desperation he impusively said pic related, with absolutely zero foresight into how this will damage the only thing he cares about (his reputation) forever

Remember the week of 9/11? Trump thought to himself "K, how can I spin this tragedy to make it all about me? How do I fortify my reputation given what just occured?" so he slapped on his victimhood pants, told a reporter he lost hundreds of personal friends when the towers fell. The reporter asked Donald what his dead friends names were. And Donald (internally seething from humilation yet again) was unable to list a single name. Because there were no dead friends in reality, he made them up as yet another phony attempt to boost his reputation to society. So mindlessly ID driven by malignant NPD that he yet again completely lacked any foresight into how his poorly planned "Jussie Smollett tier" scheme may easily end up doing way more harm than good to his rep

a giant bombastic liar obsessed only with how others view him. Nothing matters to him except how much his simps adore him. He'd never in a million years risk the slightest ounce of humiliation even if it meant advanced American interests significantly. He doesn't much give a shit about China either, just likes dabbing on China as it impresses you meatbags

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