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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.3849943 [View]
File: 98 KB, 360x315, this will work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /sci/

/lit/ here.

I had an idea for a science fiction novel, and the ideas are starting to coagulate in my head and stitch themselves together at this point, so I'd like some feedback to see if what I'm doing anything wrong or stupid.

the story takes place in a post contact society the MC is a master-at-arms petty officer aboard a starship who has been assigned to act as handler for an alien aboard their ship. These ships travel via a 'gravity-well drive.' the idea is that because according to string theory (if i understand it properly) is that gravity is weak because it has a closed string and most of it escapes into different universes, which also explains where the force of gravity from 'dark matter' comes from. the gravity well drive opens up a hole and redirects gravity back to this universe: the ships travel by falling toward whatever mass their heading in the direction of.

The MC's ship, the Protagoras, is redirected to investigate the explosion/disappearance of another ship. it is revealed that this ship was contacted by unknown aliens recieving the message "I am coming. I am here." the unknown aliens then materialize a ship in this plane of existence in order to make contact, but in the process of entering this universe, they materialize as anti-matter, causing both the alien and the human ship to explode.

The aliens then try to contact the Protagoras, sending the message. "i am becoming. i am here.'' The MC is unwittingly turned into a manchurian candidate for the aliens, a sort of neurological equivalent of a computer virus planted in his mind.

these unknown aliens turn out to made of dark matter, are multiple singularities above humans in terms of tech, and evolved on earth in a universe where none of the mass extinction events ever happened. they discover life in this universe when they notice the effects of the gravity well drive siphoning off gravity in their plane of existance.

>> No.3642073 [View]
File: 98 KB, 360x315, this will work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /sci/

/lit/ here

I was thinking about writing a post-fist-contact hard science fiction novel. (I am in the very very early stages were the ideas are still clotting together in my head)

In my idea, aliens invade earth. Resistance is easily put down by their vast technological superiority. However, from a military strategist's and game theorist's perspective, the alien behavior is rather odd. Then one day, they just leave. after reverse engineering and scavenging through what they left behind, it is figured out that the aliens were just planet hopping as the US did to small islands in the pacific during WWII. The aliens that invaded us were in a war with another alien race, and we were just the primitive natives who looked at the alien technology and developed a cargo-cult around it.

What I want to know is if my idea for the alien's space ship propulsion is realistic. According to String theory, gravity is very weak compared to, say, magnetism because its string is a closed loop: it is free to leave this dimension/plane of existence, and move into others (correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that this is also the basis for 'dark matter,' gravity from matter that doesn't exist in our universe seeps into it.). What the aliens do is, they somehow 'tunnel' into where ever this gravity goes, so that gravity across all planes effect their ship. When the alien ship is moving forward within a solar system, it's really just causing gravity to pull it in whatever direction it wants to go, and channels gravity in other directions away from itself.

how does this sound to you?

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