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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7155026 [View]
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I come to /sci/ and not /adv/ for this because I expect there are some neuroscientists here, or at least people that have more knowledge in the field than I do.
I'm 19, and I've been masturbating since I was 13. I've never really jerked it to "real" porn, as in people having sex.
It's always been to foot fetish and tickling fetish stuff, 3D or 2D. Occasionally I've beat it to actual sex, or blow jobs and honestly lots of footjobs. But nowhere near as much as tickle torture. Honestly, despite how much of a footfag I am, I haven't jerked it to straight foot fetish porn that much. In comparison to everything, tickling stuff outweighs it all.

Do you think I have conditioned myself to only be able to orgasm when tickling is involved? Am I fucked when it comes to sex?

I've gotten head on one occasion, and I didn't cum, but to be fair she only went down on me for 4 minutes and I didn't feel much of anything.

>> No.7113638 [View]
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>> No.7105062 [DELETED]  [View]
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So I just took my daily 10mg of Fluoxetine (Prozac) for OCD.

Capsule broke in throat for whatever reason, causing me to cough, and the meds inside came up into my mouth and then nose.

Nevertheless, I am tripping fucking balls right now. Should I call poison hotline?

>> No.7099385 [DELETED]  [View]
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>first day astro course
>super pumped, this is my favorite subject, ready to get started on my career to being an astronomer
>settle into class, pretty small, about 20 people
>should make for good discussions
>professor walks in a little late
>looks like a really cool guy, dressed pretty well, long mad scientist like hair, has papers popping out of his bag and a metal lunchbox with Cassini on it
>hello class, I am Dr. Anon, welcome to Astronomy 155, the interaction of light and matter in the universe
>today we're just going to introduce one another and talk about fun things about the cosmos, tomorrow will be the first lecture
>any questions?
>kid raises his hand, "What is a neutron star?"
>professor open his mouth to begin to the answer the question, but cant
>tubby kid in ill fitting clothing, with greasy hair and acne, as well as a patchy beard blurts out instead
>"Its an interstellar body that has formed due to the collapse of a large star. It didn't become a black hole because it was too big. It is extremely hot and brighter than a normal star, and spins to create light."
>some kids nod their heads impressed, since some obviously are there for a science req
>others look at the guy, annoyed yet expresionless, obviously knowing that this kid is autistic
>professor standing there, confused, obviously insulted he wasn't allowed to answer the question
>"Well, that's not... Entirely true, but we'll get to there eventually. Now, let me just bring up on the screen here..."
>fat autist visibly upset the professor told him he was wrong, shifts in his seat and looks pissed
>professor pulls up some stars maps and begins explaining cool things

Why are college classes such fucking hell? Why is there always that ONE GUY?

>> No.7095303 [DELETED]  [View]
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>in physics 1 freshman year
>all excited
>first day of class, professor makes it a 'fun day'
>tells everyone that since we're all geeks for taking physics, we're going to talk about geeky stuff
>essentially just a day to talk about pop sci
>some kid raises his hand to ask a question to spark discussion
>"What causes supernovae?"
>with astrophysics being my realm of preference and the most knowledge I have, I speak up to answer
>"Well, nuclear fusion is stars compresses hydrogen into he-"
>professor speaks out
>"Shut up."
>instantly stop talking, face red, everyone looks uncomfy, professor staring at me
>"He did not address his question to you. He addressed it to me. You do not answer questions for me. This is my classroom, not yours. I did not ask for your help."
>goes on to say the same thing I was going to
>mfw sit there rest of class on the verge of tears

Why the fuck are professors such assholes?

>> No.7087661 [DELETED]  [View]
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I feel at a loss /sci/.

I feel like a pseudointellectual. I feel like I am not actually as smart as people say that I am. That I just am able to come off that way.

When I examine myself, I noticed that sometimes I have used "big words" that I didn't know the exact meaning to, and so it made me appear smart. I have also made logically fallacious arguments, unsupported by evidence of any kind, and it made me look smart.

I liked to talk to my English teachers in HS about books I hadn't completely read, but just skimmed, and act like I knew what I was talking about and they would praise me.

What's wrong with me?

>> No.7079456 [View]
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I know that it has become a meme at this point. Despite the fact, I still find the topic fascinating.

Human behavior is determined by a myriad of factors. Genetics, environment, experience, opportunity. The baseline processes that guide these actions, being neural synapses, are themselves made of tiny particles that can be measured. They behave in probabilistic ways and can be predicted, to an extent,

How then, and why, do people think free will exists?

A violent psychopath is not in control of his actions, it's a mental condition. He was born with it and it developed slowly as he grew.

A child molester was himself molested, and developed the complex.

Gay were born hat way.

Someone who is racist was likely taught so by their parents/childhood friends.

So on, and so on.

All of this leads me to believe there is absolutely no such thing as free will, and that our lives have already been determined from day one.

So then, does this mean we really are not in control of scientific progress and discovery? No matter how hard we try, will we not reach, say, interstellar travel until it just -happens-?

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