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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.16494592 [View]
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btw I also started the soience meme and numerous others you know. feel free to ask questions about my chaos magic

>> No.16248062 [View]
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NPCs are real

>> No.15675553 [View]
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doesnt change the fact that your sentiment shows how little cognitive ability you posses since you are unable to determine how conditioned you are. 99% of your thoughts and feeling have literally been dictated to you, you didnt come up with any of it, you inherited it. You are little more than a flesh automaton

>> No.15278640 [View]
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No one has ever proven non-conscious entities can complete complex tasks and the fact that materialists just conveniently gloss over this fact or are even unaware of it shows they havent even examined their moronic ideas from first principles. This clearly shows what kind of idiots you are dealing with. They are just NPCs spouting dogma who haven't put in the least bit time to even examine what they are actually claiming and how bizarrely retarded their religion is. They are just as, if not more retarded than the zombie space jew worshiping cult. On ever level these people are just as retarded as the religitards they always mock. You have the mind of a child, you cant even understand grade school logic. You need to kys my friend, you are the weakest link

>> No.15045879 [View]
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this is what changed my paradigm on everything. When I finally realized our ancient ancestors weren't just superstitious retards the way modern academia tries to teach you, but that they knew for more than modern humans about literally everything. When I started reading their works in their esoteric interpretations, rather than the exoteric it changed everything. Of course the keys to unlock the esoteric meanings were well hidden and it took time crack the codes.

We have been engineered into worker bees and most people are too stupid to figure this out even if you hand them a road map. The Greeks were also correct about hylics/shudra

>> No.14977882 [View]
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Imagine how stupid a dumb fuck like this is to say the ONE thing you can prove for certain is a thing that "doesnt exist." SAD! literally drooler tier ..... unreal

>> No.14782465 [View]
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>> No.14586444 [View]
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>> No.12578639 [View]
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>> No.12468260 [View]
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God has to suffer it and misery loves company

>> No.12381667 [View]
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*aren't as intellgient

>> No.12361713 [View]
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Not understanding the Jewish conspiracy makes you lose yours. I can back my claims up with irrefutable evidence and even outright confessions while all you have as an argument is "nuh uh" based on your ignorance. No offense but if you can't see society and ideas and policies are highly regulated and censored for a specific political agenda in 2020 you have something wrong with you. Normies have an excuse because it takes years of study to see the big picture and how it all fits together but when you come here and people spoon feed it to you and you still don't get it it shows you are willfully ignorant or not real bright. Both make you dangerous

>> No.12319714 [View]
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so are you so obviously you are too stupid to understand the explanation so why even ask? Because you are stupid that's why. Nice symbiotic circle isn't it

>> No.12252530 [View]
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Yah, but you watched it didnt you? Goyim are so easy to get what you want them rofl. The funny part is you think you chose it and are the one that "outsmarted" me lol and now you will deny it up and down until your dying day how easy it was to get what I wanted from you

>> No.12217651 [View]
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good documentary

>> No.11670280 [View]
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>> No.11647720 [View]
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Though this is true, smart people that understand complex ideas and information often times are not interested tutoring retards they know neither have the capacity or willingness to try and understand what they are talking about so they drop bread crumbs, links, keywords easily jewgled etc for smart anons to follow on their own while going into troll mode with the imbeciles for lolz.It isn't that they can't clarify, it is that if it wasn't clear already then wasting time trying to spoon feed them is likely a waste of your time.

For instance someone asking about something in your post they could have very easily jewgled for themselves and found the answer instantly yet make multiple posts asking you about some aspect of what you posted that should be obvious, easy to find or blatant troll/irony. If they are too stupid to understand blatant irony/trolling I often go into giga troll mode because they make me lol at their autism.

I did it several times in this thread with these morons in fact, about not trusting the China figures as you can see. The irony is that because "China lied" is now the official narrative they are fully on board with it whereas if this was not the official narrative they would be calling you a schizo for not believing the orig China figures. The pictures on the rectangle told them it was ok to believe in the "conspiracy" so now they are fully behind it.

But if you talk about your own government and politicians lying (which ironically enough the rectangle also reports on literally every second of every day), once again they call you a schizo. So the point is it is only "schizo" to them if you disagree with their glowing rectangle at any given moment. The fact that they were completely oblivious to my response to them being simply calling them schizo for saying something so obvious as "China lied" while they responded multiple times to it shows just how fucking stupid they are.

>> No.11629768 [View]
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>> No.11552079 [View]
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I wouldn't say destroyed science, more like destroyed the bs pseudoscience pushed by the kiked Masonic Institutions in the west ie gravity and relativity

>> No.11543718 [View]
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Who is the most /sci/ occultist? For me it is Tesla

>> No.11467700 [View]
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>> No.11464608 [View]
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Literally 98% of what you think about and talk about at any given moment is something you read about or saw on tv in the last week you are just too stupid to realize it. Here is the thing about brainwashing it isn't very effective if you know it is happening to you wet brain

>> No.11463844 [View]
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seethe more pseud, being such a brainlet must be agonizing for you. Tell us of your pain

>> No.11336456 [View]
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yah that is all true and some of us do know and have known

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