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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.4816540 [View]
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>not becoming a quant and making lods emone

>> No.4339519 [View]
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>hard logic

>> No.4331109 [View]
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>Actually thinking would have a conversation with themselves
>Being a newfag who doesn't know about flood detection

>> No.4324191 [View]
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>read the spoiler

>> No.4293030 [View]
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>Not understanding what I wrote, or just failing hard

>> No.4277393 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.4200113 [View]
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>hard science

>> No.4186123 [View]
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>almost 2012
>paying an institution to teach you a programming language


>> No.3843062 [View]
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Chemistry, geology, astronomy, finance

Liberal arts, law, business administration, psychology


>> No.3795703 [View]
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>> No.3765352 [View]
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>a hard science

>> No.3703356 [View]
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>Not already knowing that women are the inferior gender

>> No.3699494 [View]
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butthurt biofag aspie virgin detected

>> No.3679166 [View]
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>study of life
>can't even define "life"

>> No.3673330 [View]
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>science hard a

one pick

>> No.3628056 [View]
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Interesting fact,

The number of times a male desires sex per month = <span class="math">x[/spoiler]
The number of times a female desires sex per month = <span class="math">y[/spoiler]
<div class="math">x>y</div>
The number of times heterosexual couples have sex per month = <span class="math">(x+y)/2[/spoiler]

The number of times homosexual male couples have sex per month = <span class="math">x[/spoiler]

The moral of the story is, gay men are probably not attracted to men, they just want to have more sex, and then rationalize via post hoc ergo propter hoc that because they want more sex and only men fulfill that, they must be attracted to men.

>> No.3614136 [View]
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>> No.3589746 [View]
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>> No.3540784 [View]
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>hard science

>> No.3539707 [View]
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>a hard science

choose 1

>> No.3521127 [View]
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Life is empty without religion.

Probably why atheists are more likely to be depressed and commit suicide: http://conservapedia.com/Atheism_and_suicide

>> No.3520113 [View]
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* Believing the existence of the universe is exempt from the law of conservation, and everything just arose from nothing. This is just one of the many cases where atheists display blatant cognitive dissonance.

>> No.3520098 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do atheists claim to be more "rational" people when they commit these obvious flaws of reason:

* Believing in aliens when there is ABSOLUTELY not one shred of evidence that they exist.

* Parroting the one-liners that Dawkins/Hitchens have provided for them, in a manner entirely devoid of critical thought. Atheists like to read and prostheletyize these pro-atheism books and have the nerve to criticize religious people for "believing in something because a book told you so."

* Criticize Christians for their medeival crimes, yet speak relatively little of the incomparable number of crimes being committed by radical Islamists at this very momment.

* Willing to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars on space programs which "see how well tomatoes grow in space," while people are starving on Earth, just so that they can actualize their star trek wet dreams (aka the atheist "rapture").

* Criticize Christians for having at some points in history "killed for God," yet be in full support of killing innocent unborn children in 2011.

* Claim that "no logical person can believe in God," or another variant: "I am intelligent therefore I do not believe in God." This is in direct contradiction to the vast number of undeniably intelligent scientists and intellectuals who did believe in God--Newton, Pascal, Pasteur, Francis Collins, and hundreds more.

* Believing the existence of the universe is exempt from the law of conservation, and everything just arose from nothing. This is just one of the many cases where atheists display blatant cognitive dissonance.

* Having faith in a self-contrived concept that science is infallible, even though scientists are found regularly wrong after many decades of certainty.

This thread will be full of atheists spewing ad hominems, unsourced statements, strawmen (as in implying that I am promoting some specific religion), and more fallacious reasoning for which they are all too well known.

>> No.3487176 [View]
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i seriously hope you guys dont do this

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