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>> No.15645849 [View]
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Clearly, the UK government must have been infiltrated by a covert network of Russian KGB agents and far-right anti-science neo-nazi extremists in the UK government. This is what happens when your regulatory appartus is infilitrated by white nationalists and Russian assets like Drumpf. You end up with all these inbred troglodyte conservatives who hate science and they hate the west.

The goal here is that the Russian government probably wants to cause mass deaths amongst the British youth in order to weaken NATO and the west, and the conspiracy theorists and white nationalists types are trying to trick POC and the BIPOC community into not getting vaccinated, because the conspiracy theorists and white nationalists want to cause a mass casuality event amongst the non-white British population.

>> No.15548766 [View]
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I'm well aware of what the replication crisis is, and my PhD is actually on a topic loosely related to the replication crisis, and the discussion I was referring to was actually specifically a discussion about the social sciences.

That being said, the replication crisis does appear to be effecting natural sciences as well. It's true that the ffect is stronger in the social sciences and medicine, but the empirical data indicates that it's seen everywhere. Social science are probably more effected, because their is more room for ideological bias, and political and commercial interests have a greater incentive to try and influence this research but it effects the natural sciences to some extent as well. There is a lot of empriical and theoretical research that have gone into understanding the phenomenon. A lot of it is probably due to ideological bias, espeically in the social sciences, but the social structure and academic norms of the university system in the 21st century are probably contributing a lot as well. Academia is growing increasingly beuracratized and scientific research is increasingly subject to the demands and interests of multinational corporations, big tech, and the defense industry.

I agree that the replication crisis should not be used to categorically dismiss scientific research, but that's not what I'm attempting to do, and the very fact that you made this sort of assumption showns that you're also approaching this issue in a partisan and ideologically motivated manner. Perhaps schizos and poltards have appealed to the replication crisis when such appeals weren't warranted, but I'm tired of woke leftists misrepresenting any criticism of science or academia, and automatically assuming that any criticism of this kind is just coming from conspiracy theorist or white nationalsits or the Russian government, as the typically claim. Discussing the replciation crisis does nto automatically make you a neonazi or flat earther.

>> No.15533694 [View]
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Yeah, the real problem is all the Christians and the white working class. Just like all those low IQ MAGA hillbillies who spent the last three years claiming that the Lab Leak Hypothesis was just a leftist New World Order globohomo psyop. Science denial is basically an innate feature of right wing ideology. A huge coronavirus pandemic emerges in the vicinity of a coronavirus research facility, and ends up killing millions of people, but the MAGA conservatives and the alt-right repeatedly ferused to investiaget the situation because they were all convinced that it was a great big lie by the "globalsits" and the "woke left".

>> No.15509425 [View]
File: 43 KB, 320x480, muh anti-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the last decade, and especially in the past 3 years since the start of COVID, normies and woke leftists have become absolutely obsessed with "conspiracy theories", "disinformation", and "anti-science. The level of hysteria is reaching a fever pitch, that meets and perhaps even exceeds the level of hysteria seen at the height of McCarthyism and the Red Scare.

Acadmics, scholars, scientists, journalists, and social media users across the country have been banned and subjected to extreme ridicule and absurd accusations for even very mild criticism of public policy and the mainstream media.

Why are normies so obsessed with muh "Anti-science" and muh "conspiracy theorists", and what do these terms even mean? What differentiates an "anti-science" position or a "conspiracy theory", from legitimate scientific theories and hypothesis that simply turn out to be false? For example, scientific claims and publications are routinely falsified by later research, but such research that has been falsified is not generally described as being "anti-science".

To me, it seems like the way normies and wokies classify things as "anti-science" or "disinormation" is completely arbitrary. I don't think they can define these terms in any rigorous manner. The criteria are entirely arbitrary. When a woke normie describes a position as being "Anti-science", all it means is that they disagree with this position and think it should be ignored, and ideally cenosred and criminalized.

The concept of "anti-science" is not a valid epsitemological category.

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