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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15905575 [View]
File: 45 KB, 550x335, flight-US-Air-Force-Lockheed-U-2-2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think of something like an air conditioner as a projection from the mental realm onto reality.
Also notice how the mental realm's projection onto reality is limited by the mathematical realm. We can add more to the mathematical realm by solving equations or proving theorems, BUT that doesn't change the fact that some ideas are just never mathematically realizable. We are limited by the Carnot efficiency limit, molecular/atomic properties, quantum ground-states, etc.

Humanity has peaked technologically because there are no more (or very few) ideas which can be brought from the mental realm to the physical realm. We have peaked technologically not for the lack of trying, or dysgenics or something, but because we've reached a physical hard limit. There's sort of an "ideal form" for physical objects, after which you can't really go further (see how planes have changed very little in design since the 70s). Math/science has only allowed us to reach this "optimal form".

Note that humanity will continue theoretical math/scientific development. After all, theoretical math/physics are not limited by what's physically possible. A theory of everything in physics is still possible and will be a great achievement for humanity, but a theory of everything wont somehow unlock some "secret knowledge" which enables us to bypass physical limits.

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