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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.1438483 [View]
File: 19 KB, 500x333, PrayerinDukeChapel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the Air Force and I served on the Honor Guard doing 21 gun salutes for dead niggers and shit like that.

Well in case you do not know the Military is SATURATED with religious fuck nuts. There were roughly 40 people in my Honor Guard group and we handled an area of a few states.

Everyone serving on the Honor guard, except for me was religious (Jesus followers of one type or another). They would all form a giant prayer circle every morning. I was asked why I would not join the circle and I told them that prayer does not work. This enraged MANY of them to very high rage levels. (The females the most). They asked me if I was a satanist, if I hated God, told me I was going to hell etc.

I tried to show them the examples of experiments that have been run to test prayer and how EVERY experiment has shown prayer to be absolutely useless and do nothing.

They did not care about experimental evidence. They would quote some random scripture and say that was all the evidence they ever needed.

I was pretty much an outcast simply because I held Science in a higher place than Asking a magical being to grant me wishes.

Isn't praying to God basically telling God that he is doing a shitty job and fucked up and he needs to fix his fuckup?

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