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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6450324 [View]
File: 140 KB, 1279x960, humanitysfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't uncommon OP, it's called divorcing yourself from reality in order to get shit done.

It can be frustrating, particularly when you enjoy these subjects, but people struggle enough with just getting through the day without killing themselves let alone having to sit down to have an existential crisis over politics, social engineering and philosophical matters as well. It's a simple reality that convenience trumps truth.

Which should be your first lesson. Why we drink alcohol, because the more you observe humanity and the world the less it holds up to scrutiny. Sometimes the simple things are the most important, internalising problems of such magnitude that have no clear solution can rot you from the inside.

On the subject of thinking about stuff more generally though, there are lots of people who idly contemplate the same "big questions", but rarely do they make any significant revelations. Cyclical thinking is an all too common trap, and can be intellectually debilitating, so if you're truly interested in the shit you think about, write it down, debate yourself, find something you know to be true and build a framework around it. Having a written record is important, so don't slack off!

Also, get a hobby or something to flush your philosophy nonsense out of your head so you have something to talk about and not act like an interminable fucking bore around normies, otherwise the risk of turning into a hateful old hermit becomes an increasing possibility, particularly when 4chan is such a comfortable compromise to real people.

>> No.5314711 [View]
File: 140 KB, 1279x960, 1294771326090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My prof told me that you learn chemistry better if you are drunk.
Is this true?

>> No.2638257 [View]
File: 140 KB, 1279x960, humanity's friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomerang is an extremely sensitive machine designed to pick up microwave radiation from the sky without confusing it with energy from the ground or even the instrument itself. The machine gathers light from the sky and guides it on to small bolometer, heat sensors that can pick up even the weakest signal from the microwave sky. The bolometer were suspended in a spider web of filaments of isolate them from heat and to make them particularly sensitive to microwave light. They worked beautifully.

COBES's (another cosmic background radiation doohickey) seven degree resolution was too coarse to pick up the tiny hot and cold spots in the cosmic background radiation. Boomerang, on the other hand could resolve spots as small as one-third of a degree across. No longer were scientists looking at the cosmic background radiation with blurry glasses. They were beginning to read the writing on the walls. That writing told the fate of the universe. It also told of its shape.


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