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>> No.4360393 [View]
File: 27 KB, 489x268, j.-cole-489x268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't we, humanity, prioritize a little.

30,000 children die of preventable causes every day. In our world, 2 million children are working in the sex trade this moment.
1.1 Billion people in the world, earn less than a dollar a day.

Why do we let artists like Terrence Malick make a artist piece with a budget of 32 million dollars? Do you really have something so important to say? Why do we waste so much time on art which only reflects the artists existential angst?

Shouldn't we set our XBOXes aside for a year and focus on our fellow humans working in slavery? Shouldn't we focus on education?

How delusional do you have to be to go to an award show? Maybe we should all follow Feynmans example and stop being egoistical cunts?

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