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>> No.10258266 [View]
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>Little incentives make a big difference
Liberal western countries that have tried to correct the gender gap in prestigious highly technical jobs by encouraging women to enter STEM through early intervention (grade school through high school) encouraging them with camps, slogans, clubs, etc.
In college and beyond, affirmative action causes a higher rate of women to get accepted.
Congrats, we tried to accomplish something and we did it.
Meanwhile, males are disincentivized.
Most teachers are female, and have subconscious anti-male bias. This might be due to men being mean to them in their lives, whatever was taught to them by society (media, culture, family, etc) about the danger and stupidity of males, whatever. It exists. They grade males harder, are less inclined to spend time with them working on issues, and have less mercy for them in disciplinarian situations.
Look to the ways men and women conflict: Boys tend to confront each other violently, girls tend to confront each other psychologically. We have zero tolerance policies for punches, not for organizing an entire friend group to ignore someone at recess.
These are all really little nudges. There's something really pathological about a man who claims that society restricts his maleness through rules and laws, as if were they to go away he would begin conquering and commanding, stealing women and raping horses. Makes me laugh, usually the guy is a potbellied software dev.
And yet, the little nudges have an effect.
A lot of dumb, bitter, untrained (economically unviable), single men are never good for society. Just look at 4chan and the manopshere.

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