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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.8750095 [View]
File: 301 KB, 480x449, Education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are being prepared for the real world. If you do all that for a piece of paper to hang on your wall imagine what you will do for a regular paycheck later?

>> No.8746340 [View]
File: 301 KB, 480x449, Education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is a business Mr Beale.

>> No.8583350 [View]
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That's just ad-hom and strawman.
The cherry picking goes both ways, in fact the cherry picking data problem is one of the biggest flaws in climate science aside from the fact the climate doom prophecies have for the most part proven overblown and inaccurate discrediting any farther flung predictions. The frightening part is that in light of these inaccuracies and mistakes, instead of admitting them the dogma is amplified and seemingly no reconsideration of the theory examined. CO2 emissions and nothing else being the dogma.

In more enlightened times our places of higher education taught rhetoric, critical thinking skills and the need to always question why.

>climate change
We know we are coming out of a relatively recent ice age, we know climate changes with man or without man. This so called climate science has only been bashing itself, it's sole application in the real world to implement a carbon (life) tax in all corners of the globe if possible. The high priests of climate doom science admittedly concede their tax will not solve anything and omit the fact they put food on their table through this science. It has also garnered a rather large faction of very devout climate alarmists and zealots in tow who would I fear give up their rightful claim to a portion of this worlds fossil fuel bounty and by extension their very life in order to save the planet from impending climate doom? These people in my opinion are extremely ignorant on the matters of energy and living in the oil age. Some seemingly so ignorant in fact that it would be hard to believe they could comprehend even a fraction of their so called climate science themselves yet they are true believers?

Hey, we just don't want to be dragged down into your new age dark ages, it's time well spent in my opinion.

>> No.8510013 [View]
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Well the world is a business and has been for some time now. The most frightening aspect of AGW is how quickly it went from a curiosity to strict dogma and I assume is being religiously dumped on grade schoolers right up to post secondary. Considering the vast number of variables, the enormous data sets, the questionable simulations and suspect "science" it is relentlessly pushed as fact not theory. Even the theory of evolution is evolving after several centuries. This is a huge red flag in my opinion and the only conclusion one can draw from it is it is a means to an end and that end became quickly apparent. Global taxation on the byproduct of spent fossil fuels. This is the end product of the science of AGW. It really makes you think!

>> No.8313243 [View]
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I duno we better watch out. Milgram experiments show females are slightly more compliant and obedient to authority figures. Looks like the totalitarian technocracy is almost here.

>> No.7948236 [View]
File: 301 KB, 480x449, Education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, hate you if you're clever, despise a fool. Human herding instinct. I have same problem regardless of what side of the spectrum I'm on.

World is a business Mr Beale. Deal with it.

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