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>> No.9663523 [View]
File: 5 KB, 300x225, charles-sleicher-sunset-over-the-gulf-of-mexico-florida-usa_u-L-PXPZAD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because as it gets further away it not only merges with the horizon and takes the light with it, the light has to travel through the atmosphere and after a certain distance it cannot travel to our eyes any more.

You have literally never watched a sunset? I am amazed. It would make more sense if you had never seen it rise -- who the fuck wants to get up that early, right?

But a sunset? Fuck, man, go outside and watch it happen. Watch the sun approach the horizon, watch it appear to touch the horizon. Watch it slowly, visibly, slip further and further below the horizon. Note how t does not dwindle into the distance just above the horizon, how you can see the fucking sun being blocked more and more by the Earth. You can eventually see half the circular face of the sun above the horizon, and then less and less of it. How it at no time acts like it is moving further away and then is too far to see while remaining above the horizon.

It's interesting as fuck.

As a bonus, sometimes you get lots of pretty colors.

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