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>> No.10984309 [View]
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No, I think it's more like the powers that be in the world have been telling the lie that pic related is me and if they acknowledge that I did something good then it will make their house of lies collapse.

I certainly agree that I have seemed socially retarded in my life. Everyone else says, "It's easy to get a gf just assume the inferior social position and pretend to be a chihuahua running in circles around her and yapping incessantly. DUH!"

The thing about that is, as bad as I have wanted that gf, I don't want to do the chihuahua thing, and I want the woman to assume the inferior social and for me to assume the superior role. So... since it was always my goal to work hard to make it to a point in life where I can force myself in the superior role, it makes their house of lies of lies that I am simply retarded fall apart when my long term plan went exactly as I always envisioned it would. The only thing that went wrong in the plan is that I didn't expect the whole world to conspire to ignore my many great discoveries. However, my enemies have orchestrated exactly that because it is required for their narrative that I'm retarded.

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