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>> No.16097755 [View]
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>Here we already see the inherent anti-Semitism required to make sense of the denialist narrative.
The other way around, actually.
First you see what an enormous lie the Holocaust is.
Then you see how viciously anyone who questions it is persecuted.
Then you notice that the jews harbor all kinds of genocidal intent themselves: again, see Gaza.
Then finally, grudgingly, you come dislike jews as a group.

This is what happened to me.

>Cope. You know they're not going to let some rando with an agenda destroy valuable historical evidence and then claim there was nothing to be found.
Nice try. Neither Leuchter nor Rudolph caused any damage to the site when they collected samples to test for Zyklon residue.
On the contrary, the Soviets destroyed the two buildings which are claimed to be the Birkenau gas chambers. This was to hide evidence of there *not* being gas chambers.
>If you have a problem with their methodologies, maybe dispute their findings on those grounds
Again I refer you to "The Chemistry of Auschwitz" by Gemmar Rudolph.
You may also attempt to refute arguments in "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers" by Jean Claude Pressac

>The purpose of having all these books is to have an arsenal of bullshit too big for most people to refute.
Strange. First you claimed
>Literally every single denier claim has been refuted,
Now you complain there's too much to refute.
Which is it?

>That's why I decided to stop playing this stupid game with them and focus on their main, unstated claim: Jews are all nefarious liars
So you're saying you failed to successfully defend the Holocaust fable and now just defend jews.

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