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>> No.12613799 [View]
File: 423 KB, 703x650, Screen Shot 2021-01-22 at 11.22.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an immunology discussion course in which we're currently discussing vaccine science and how to educate 'misinformed members' of our society. My class is entirely bluepilled and there's zero dissenting opinion. I understand vaccine science and the lack of general risk, however this class consistently asserts that anything not coherent with the MSM narrative is dangerous misinformation.
How should I introduce contrarian perspectives in attempt to encourage them to consider having skepticism of government activity, and to not ridicule those who are skeptical? I want to be subtle, so will avoid mentioning specifiic occasions of government treachery such as Operation Northwoods, Tuskegee, Operation Midnight Climax, and MK-Ultra. I suspect there would be zero tolerance for anything upsetting to NPCs.

>related image source: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/polio-outbreak-sudan-caused-oral-vaccine-72766683

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